How to Up-Level Your Mindset Challenge.
It’s the truth, your results come from your mental focus. The challenge, then, is to take control of your mental focus. Your mindset (the way you think) directs 90% of your success.
Do you believe this? Reflect on the last time you felt like it was a bad day. Maybe you didn’t want to get out of bed. Everything seemed difficult. Then remember a day where you woke up feeling great, full of energy and able to tackle everything on your agenda, good or challenging.
You probably had two very different days. If you still managed to get things done on your “bad” day, you most likely powered through it using will-power.
What if you could take that “bad” day, and shift your mindset to feel-good, empowering thoughts? I am sure you have done this. What if you could do this more often?
I have found that daily, consistent practices help clients to create empowered mindsets. These daily exercises include writing in a journal, practicing a “mental stretching” exercise, focusing on gratitude, looking for and expecting daily miracles, following your spiritual path, and totally relaxing with meditation, deep breathing, and/or yoga. Note: this post included affiliate links if you click on one of them, and purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend what I firmly believe in.
“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t you will see obstacles.” Wayne Dyer, Author of many books including, The Power of Intention
When you write in a journal, you are exercising your mental creative force. What you write, tends to manifest in some

form in your life. In my journal practice, I write that I am thankful for things that I don’t yet have. For instance, if I have a meeting planned, I will write, “Thank you for my powerful, great meeting where everyone feels heard and win-win-win solutions are found.” I also practice this for material things. I wrote, “Thank you for my new Mercedes, for years, in my journal and then one showed up in my life and I have been driving the exact car that I wanted. When I was focusing on healing, I wrote, every day, “Thank you for my healing. Thank you for my healthy heart.” And my heart healed. Even a one-sentence journal, is powerful because it helps you create the habit.
“Leaders spend 5 percent of their time on the problem & 95 percent of their time on the solution. Get over it & crush it!” Tony Robbins, Business and Life Strategist, and author of the brand new book Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook
A mental stretching exercise is something you do to shake up your energy. This could be trying something new, choosing to say yes when you would normally say no, or reading a book that is out of your favorite genre.
People like to send me their books to review. I am often reading something that I wouldn’t normally choose. I like it. It stretches me. I learn something about myself. In my upcoming 30 days, How to Up-Level Your Mindset Challenge, I include 30 mental stretching exercises. These exercises are simple, easy to understand, and life changing if you do them all or even a few of them.
Focusing on gratitude is an ancient principle, yet it’s timeless. Most people feel that they “should” be grateful for what they have, but they may be feeling far from grateful. The key to having gratitude be a driver for positive results in your life is to create the feeling. I have my clients create the feeling by writing a gratitude/appreciation list and they write until they feel thankful and full of gratitude. Some days, it might take just a few items to create the feeling. Other days, it might mean writing down, ten, 20, or 30 or more things before the feeling is present.
Two fun gratitude activities are to 1. Choose something you don’t like, and see if you can feel gratitude. An example, being thankful for the distraction of breaking a dish because it made you feel thankful that you do have dishes to use or you could be thankful that you have a reminder to slow down. 2. Try to see how many times you can say and think the words, “Thank you” during the day.
“I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.” Louise Hay, Author of many books and creator of Power Thought Cards: A 64 Card Deck (Box Set)
Expect daily miracles. During the Holiday season, I was taking my family to Cozumel for New Years. My husband, two of my grown-up daughters, and my teenage son were going with me. I knew that conflict could come up because people might want to do different things.
I decided to use my “expect daily miracles” exercise. Before I left, I shared this with my Impact Mastermind Group. I told them I was looking for daily miracles and how fun would it be, if they expected their own miracles, too.
My group started reporting daily miracles almost immediately. And so, did I. I saw things like, on Christmas day, the people in front of us at Starbucks bought three of our drinks. See…mini-miracle.
My husband was sick before we left, he got some medication and was healthy enough to go on the trip. The perfect person watched our cat. Our flight left on time even though there were snow storms a couple days before. Our hotel rooms were great. Transportation from the airport to our resort was easy. Everything worked out smoothly. My favorite thing about Cozumel is, of course, the ocean. The beach at our resort was perfect. We got a free rental car from the resort to spend a day shopping and a day on the other side of the island.
When you look for miracles, you see miracles. All you need to do is read trip advisor to see how many things can go wrong on a trip. Our trip was nearly flawless. And everyone wanted to do the same things each day. Wow.
Practice your spiritual path. This means that if prayer is part of your spirituality. Make prayer part of your daily practice. When you feel deeply connected to what is meaningful, life takes on a peace that is almost indescribable. I believe so strongly in the power of prayers. The act of praying for me is grounding. I feel centered.
Practice deep relaxation. Even if you have one minute, you can deeply relax through breathing deeply in and out. You can close your eyes. You can focus on pure positive thought. If you meditate, even one minute is helpful, though you will find that five minutes or more is even more powerful. The point is that there is no such thing as having no time to relax. Taking a mini break, lets you release tension and regain perspective. Your body will thank you.
These practices are cornerstones of the mindset challenge. What you are not seeing, are the 30 mental stretching exercises. Join our challenge, and you will get these exercises, plus a weekly email from me with guidance on up-leveling your mindset.
Introducing the 30 Day Free How to Up-Level Your Mindset Challenge where you focus on improving your mindset, resetting your inner-game, and getting the results you want. During the challenge, you will focus on your three top goals. Every exercise will be completed with the intention of expecting progress on your three goals.
Best of all, it’s free. If you like this article, How to Up-Level Your Mindset Challenge you will love doing the free 30-day challenge with me.
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Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach, Trainer, and Author, Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Business Coach known for inspiring massive action and a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling, Sheri inspires people to do the work they love and make more money. Sheri helps business owners and professionals to relax into success. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying, and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to discover the keys to happiness and success and then share them with her clients and community. Learn More About Sheri
34 thoughts on “How to Up-Level Your Mindset Challenge”
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A mindset can change everything. I know a negative mindset can change everything. I think journaling helps me express my negative thoughts and get them out of my mind set! I like the 30 day challenge!
Hi Shannon, I love that you journal. It changes your life. I have been doing it for a long time. It is my rock.
This article is very informative especially since the year is still young and we can all include these practices. I am definitely participating in the challenge.
Thank you Lorraine. It takes focus to make our goals happen. Happy you are doing the challenge:)
The university I work for offers a mindfulness meditation one a week as part of its wellness series. It’s so nice to take that 1/2 hour to unplug and try to quiet the mind. It takes a lot of practice to stop all the thoughts from crowding your head!
That’s great Emily. I find that with my business coaching, it is the mindset and mindfulness aspects that become the most helpful. Often people know what to do, but become exhausted and overwhelmed which clouds thinking, being, and mindfulness. I love that your university focuses on this. I like to find mindfulness groups when I travel. I went to one in London when I was there last spring and it was very grounding to do it in the middle of vacation energy.
This is a beautiful and helpful post. I would love to start writing a journey and this might help with reflecting things afterwards, only thing I’m constantly travelling and time is very limited for myself. I might do yoga though to keep my mind at peace.
It’s challenging when we feel time constrained. I like your idea of yoga. Whatever works for you and makes you feel good and think good thoughts.
We manifest what we think! We manifest what we feel. We have to BELIEVE positive, and THINK positive to GET positive results. Great article with solid advice!
Thanks Joely. Yes, our thoughts are so important. And we have control over our thoughts. Good News.
This is great! I’m doing a similar challenge on my website. I’m learning a lot about myself while challenging others. I love the “Expect Daily Miracles.” They are there if we take the time to be still and watch.
Thank you Brenda. Have fun with your challenge. It generates so many good vibes.
This sounds like a great challenge & so helpful to keeo your mind on track.
These are some great tips! I have been meaning to start meditating for a long time but always make excuses that I do not have time for this. This post was a perfect reminder to get on it, soon!
xx, Kusum |
Thank you for this post it’s very informative and very useful i agree with you that our results come from our mental focus and when you look for miracles, you see miracles. I will share this post with my friends.
That is so true! When we believe in the changes, hey just happen, as you said If you look for miracles, you will see miracles!
My Mum always told me to never go in to things with a negative mindset or you bring that towards you. Great post! You have to always make the choice to be as positive as you can be to get the best outcome.
I just read a great book on this topic, and of course, have heard that what you focus on expands. Good advice for anyone, and even better if followed.
Robin, so true that what you focus on expands- good or bad… so might as well be good. Let’s have some expansion of all the good stuff.
I so need to take this challenge up. I guess meditation, for me, would be a best way to get rid of a negative mindset.
Hi Oindrila, What kind of meditating do you like to do. I know my favorite is just to close my eyes, deep breaths, and be silent.
Hey Sheri,
“Expect daily miracles” – this one hit me.
Love the tips and sharing this now.
Awe… Thanks Michelle:)