Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

Small Biz Christmas Day 8 When to Be Fierce and Fearless

It’s Day 8 for Small Biz Christmas- When to be Fierce and Fearless… What makes you feel fierce? I feel fierce about standing with my clients as they work on the results they want.  I’m generally a kind, gentle person, but I do have a fierce side of me- and you do too. I know[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 7 Growing Your Service Biz During the Holidays

It’s Day 7 for Small Biz Christmas- Growing Your Service Biz During the Holidays with Marketing That Feels Good Not all businesses peak during the holidays. If your business is retail and gift oriented, yes- this is the traditional time. But if your business is service oriented such as coaching, accounting, law, virtual assisting, etc[…]

Day 6 Small Biz Christmas

It’s Day 6 for Small Biz Christmas You’ve been in the “zone” before and maybe you are there right now. You might also call this place- being in “flow”. You know what the zone or flow feels like. Your life is humming along, you feel focused and positive. Any obstacle just feels like a little[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 5 Explosive Growth

It’s Day 5 for Small Biz Christmas It’s hard to imagine a gift sweeter than to be able to unlock and unleash explosive growth in your business. To me the conscious business movement is based on an overall vision of business owners who desire to make the world a better place in their own unique[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 4 Increase Your Wealth Set-Point

It’s Day 4 of Small Biz Christmas. People often have a money ceiling where they attain a certain level of income, and then if they make more money or achieve more than that level, they make choices to go back to the level of comfort.  By comfort I mean- what feels normal. We see professional[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 3 Relax Into Making Money in Your Business

It’s Day 3 of Small Biz Christmas and Happy Small Business Saturday, the growing movement to bring more awareness to shopping with small business. It really is possible to relax into making more money in your business.  You can make a difference and make a profit when you get clear– when you create clear plans[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 2 Webinar Success

Happy Black Friday! Welcome to Day 2 of my Small Biz Christmas Event on my blog Day 2 of Small Biz Christmas. Today’s topic is webinar success. No matter what type of business you own, conducting webinars is an amazing way of attracting new clients, introducing and selling new products, offering training, building your brand,[…]

Kick off for Small Biz Christmas 2014

I am kicking off my Small Biz Christmas 2014 event today. Each day through Dec 11, I will be sharing small business growth tips, free gifts, and discounted offers. The holidays can be an exciting time for small business and it can also be stressful. If you run a retail business, perhaps you are ramping[…]

10 things I appreciate this Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving. We have a tradition at our house where we go around the table and have each person say what they appreciate over the past year. I thought I would share my list with you. These ten things are in random order- in fact I could put them all at number one. 1. I[…]

Time Management During the Holiday Season

If you are like most people, the Holiday Season is filled with extra activities, gatherings, and other tasks. Yet you still have your carpools, commutes, jobs, and everything else that goes along with your everyday life. This time of the year should be special, not stressful because you have tried to pack too much in to[…]

Is growing your biz aka “selling” making you anxious?

How can you have relaxed sales conversation when you are worried about your cash flow in your business? This is a question I receive frequently from small biz owners. It is true that when you feel worried and concerned about making a sale, your energy comes across as salesy, pushy, and too aggressive. You also[…]

Are your systems set up for growth?

If you have been working on an area in your biz and don’t see the growth you want, ask this question- “Are my systems set up for growth?” The Universe responds to space and to readiness. If you are looking for new clients- Have you made room in your calendar for those new clients? Are[…]

Inch by Inch Growth or Ride the Wave of Momentum

Sometimes it just feels like your biz moves forward in inches and then maybe back an inch or two. The most fun in biz is when you catch a wave of momentum and see back to back months and even several months in a row of rapid growth. I have to say in my own[…]

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