Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

Happiness and Success Go Together

Success is not really success unless you are able to live joyfully on a daily basis. In fact, making a choice to live joyfully everyday brings more and more success on all levels to you. Here are three tips for experiencing more happiness today. 1.See the joy that is around you all of the time.[…]

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition to Grow Your Business

Explosive growth happens when you not only execute sound strategy, but also tap into and maximize your intuitive skills.  Your intuition is that intangible strength that makes you try something because you feel like you “must”. It is the strength that gives you flashes of insight that leads to a new product or service idea[…]

7 Steps to Mastering Your Mindset During Big Changes in Your Life

When you experience big changes in your life, it’s tempting to want things to go back to “normal”.  Your big change could involve your personal life, your health, your career, and/or your business. But what if your normal is a “new normal”. Your new normal could be even better than your old normal and include[…]

The Seven Keys to More Confidence

Confidence is attractive and a terrific asset for creating success. We love being around confident leaders and confident people. Most of us wish we had a bit more of it. You may be confident in some areas and not in others or maybe your overall confidence has been shaken recently. The key to confidence is[…]

7 Steps to Accelerate Growth in Your Life and Biz

Do the thing that scares you. If you want to get some momentum going, do the thing that seems scary.  Fear keeps many people from doing what they really want to do. Most of the time, the fear is completely unfounded.  Your fear in your life is exactly what is keeping you right where you[…]

This One Changed Everything

This one thing changed everything… When I died and crossed over into the light and came back into my body last summer, my entire life changed. Over the last couple of weeks, you have received some information from me about my upcoming How to Heal Anything program. You might be wondering about this seemingly new[…]

10 Ways to Be Happy Today

Here are ten, simple fun ways to get the happiness flowing: 1. Watch a video of a baby laughing 2. Watch a video of kittens playing (or puppies) 3. Water some flowers 4. Look through a few photo albums or your photo album on facebook. Remember, smile, laugh. 5. Hug someone for a really long[…]

Take the 30 Day Happiness Challenge

Hi there, are you ready for more happiness? I have been thinking a lot lately about what it means to thrive instead of survive. This also made me think about a quote that I saw that said, “You weren’t meant to pay bills and die.” But sometimes it can feel like that. You are going[…]

How to Heal Anything in Your Life

When something drastic happens in your life, for example an ICU stay, an unexpected diagnosis or a major financial disaster or a relationship crisis, you are reeling and shaken to your core. I know I felt this way last summer when I woke up in ICU and was breathing on a ventilator last summer.  I[…]

How to Create a Biz Growth Mindset

If you are a business owner, whether you think so or not, you are an entrepreneur because you are constantly in the position to do new things and try new ideas in order to grow your business. Do you think that you have to be a born entrepreneur to think like an entrepreneur? Thinking like[…]

How to Magnetize Money in Your Biz and Life

  The Art of Magnetizing Money. Have you ever known someone who just seems to have a golden touch? Everything they touch turns to gold. Did you know you can create this golden touch for yourself? Through changing your thoughts and actions you can practice what I like to call- The Art of Magnetizing Money.[…]

Happiness is Linked to Your Bottom Line

“I’ll be so happy when….” (fill in the blank). You probably filled in the blank with things like: “I finish school. My home is sold. When I buy my home. When I buy my next car. When I pay off all of my debt. When my business takes off. When I lose weight. When I[…]

How to Make Better, Quicker More Confident Decisions in Your Business

Most CEOs make the majority of their decisions in less than 9 minutes. And a few decisions might take an hour but rarely does the decision-making process extend for longer than that time frame. In my experience working with clients, I notice that sometimes people struggle with decision-making. Often this struggle is based on the[…]

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