12 Days of Christmas Life and Biz Strategies Day 3 Success Rituals

Today’s Topic: Daily Success Rituals If you want to up-level your success, implement a daily success ritual that you do first thing every morning. The most successful people do this. It sets up your success and sets up your day to be productive, as well as getting your mindset on track right way. You will[…]

Discover How to Clear this Block to Your Success

Do you ever get that nagging feeling that “something” is blocking you? And in order to get rid of the blocks you have been studying, self-reflecting, and clearing, but despite your best efforts, that block is still there? Today, I am going to bring up one of the most uncomfortable topics in human relations. What[…]

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition to Grow Your Business

Explosive growth happens when you not only execute sound strategy, but also tap into and maximize your intuitive skills.  Your intuition is that intangible strength that makes you try something because you feel like you “must”. It is the strength that gives you flashes of insight that leads to a new product or service idea[…]

7 Steps to Accelerate Growth in Your Life and Biz

Do the thing that scares you. If you want to get some momentum going, do the thing that seems scary.  Fear keeps many people from doing what they really want to do. Most of the time, the fear is completely unfounded.  Your fear in your life is exactly what is keeping you right where you[…]

How to Create a Biz Growth Mindset

If you are a business owner, whether you think so or not, you are an entrepreneur because you are constantly in the position to do new things and try new ideas in order to grow your business. Do you think that you have to be a born entrepreneur to think like an entrepreneur? Thinking like[…]

How to Magnetize Money in Your Biz and Life

  The Art of Magnetizing Money. Have you ever known someone who just seems to have a golden touch? Everything they touch turns to gold. Did you know you can create this golden touch for yourself? Through changing your thoughts and actions you can practice what I like to call- The Art of Magnetizing Money.[…]

How to Make Better, Quicker More Confident Decisions in Your Business

Most CEOs make the majority of their decisions in less than 9 minutes. And a few decisions might take an hour but rarely does the decision-making process extend for longer than that time frame. In my experience working with clients, I notice that sometimes people struggle with decision-making. Often this struggle is based on the[…]

Discover Steps for More Every Day Happiness

Some people seem happier than others. Some people seem to magnetize you with their smile, their energy and others seem to be perpetually “in a mood” and something is “always going wrong”.  In the U.S. only about one third of people report being very happy. One of the biggest factors that impact daily happiness is[…]

Happiness is Linked to Your Bottom Line

  “I’ll be so happy when….” (fill in the blank). You probably filled in the blank with things like: “I finish school. My home is sold. When I buy my home. When I buy my next car. When I pay off all of my debt. When my business takes off. When I lose weight. When[…]

5 Ways to Obliterate Limiting Beliefs

What is a limiting belief? Notice what you use after you say the word “because”…. in a sentence. E.G. My business is struggling because of the economy. I can’t lose weight because of my metabolism. I can’t go back to school because I don’t have the money. You can only receive in your life what[…]

3 Steps to Unleashing Inspired Action for Women in Biz

If you own a business, you are already taking a lot of action. In fact, your schedule probably feels packed and you likely feel like you are putting in a lot of hours. But, are those hours yielding the results that you want in your business? Is your client list full? Are you creating the[…]

5 Steps and 10 Habits to Make 2016 Great

Our twelve days of joy drawing prize winner for a $50 Amazon gift certificate is Robyn (check your email- it is there already). 2015 has had some terrific moments and achievements, and 2016 has the potential for you to truly take giants steps forward and achieve the goals you set. But did you know, according[…]

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