The Secret to Happy Holidays Day 2 of the 12 Days of Joy

The Secret to Happy Holidays Day 2 of the 12 Days of Joy What’s the Big Secret? It’s Maintaining a Positive Flexible Attitude During the Holidays We also call this emotional intelligence, cognitive empathy or emotional quotient. So what does this look like? Instead of being triggered and reacting, you choose your responses. Planning and[…]

12 Days of Joy

Welcome to this year’s holiday blogging event.  It’s that time of year on my blog where I post every day for 12 days with inspiration, motivation, blessings, and strategies for you as you live each day of your amazing life and as you create your own unique path to success. I will also include special[…]

How Thinking Big Changes Your Life

How Thinking Big Changes Your Life Are you intimidated by the idea of thinking big? Do you have this story going around in your head that you have got to be realistic? Then you tend to set goals that you absolutely know you can do. You don’t have to stretch at all and you could[…]

How to Manifest and Create the Life You Want

How to Manifest and Create the Life You Want Two gorgeous souls launched books this month with the aim of helping you create the life you want. Marie Forleo launched Everything is Figure Outable and Gabby Bernstein launched Super Attractor. These women are high energy, loads of fun, and full of wisdom for helping you[…]

How to Create a Compelling Life Vision

How to Create a Compelling Life Vision Summer has always been a highly creative time for me. I love sitting on my deck, walking by the creek that runs through our neighborhood and driving into the mountains reflecting and dreaming. Even when I was a kid, I would lay on a blanket in my yard[…]

The Journal Book: Your Journaling Journey

The Journal Book: Your Journaling Journey Writing in a daily journal can be life-changing. When I made the choice to write in a daily journal over 12 years ago, my life changed. I used an active journaling process where my intent was to shift my thoughts and not just document thoughts. I learned how to[…]

Win the Day, Get What You Want Done

Win the Day: Get What You Want Done If you want to experience more success in your life, discover what wins the day for you and do them first. These win-the-day actions are usually simple, but vital. For example, a win-the-day action might be getting up when your alarm clock goes off instead of hitting[…]

Awakened Parenting Interview with Annika Brindley

  Interview with Annika Brindley from Little Sleepers and Awakened Parenting. One of the most rewarding and challenging experiences in life is the moment you become a parent. You rely on help and advice from family, friends, colleagues, and experts and just when you feel like you have one aspect handled, something else comes up.[…]

5 Keys to Unlocking Your Creativity and Success

5 Keys to Unlocking Your Creativity and Success Whether you are working on developing an online course, creating a signature program, writing a book, writing songs, developing a business vision or plan or creating a vision for what you will do next, creativity rules. You are in the creative process and creating anything takes dedication[…]

How to Create the Year You Want

Being Remarkable Would you love to make this your best year ever? What would a remarkable year look like for you? (Journal Prompt) Start with some goals that make you truly uncomfortable. If you are too comfy, you are not growing. Get uncomfortable. Set goals for each important area of your life and make sure[…]

Day 11 of 12 Days of Christmas Unlock Inspired Action

Day 11 of the 12 Days of Christmas How to Unlock Into Inspired Action Merry Christmas Eve. My Christmas gift today is to help you unlock your own inspired action steps. Does this sound familiar? You have a ton of things to do. Some tasks feel like a must, but you aren’t excited about them.[…]

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