
Day 5 of 12 Days of Joy Taking Inspired Action Today

Day 5 of the 12 Days of Joy Taking Inspired Action Today Does this sound familiar? You have a ton of things to do. Your list seems endless and overwhelming. Some tasks feel like a must, but you aren’t excited about them. Other items are experiences you really want, but perhaps you wonder how you[…]

Take the 30 Day Happiness Challenge

Hi there, are you ready for more happiness? I have been thinking a lot lately about what it means to thrive instead of survive. This also made me think about a quote that I saw that said, “You weren’t meant to pay bills and die.” But sometimes it can feel like that. You are going[…]

12 Days of Joy Day 4

Day 4 Merry Christmas Eve Aaaahhhh. A huge breath in and out.  If you celebrate Christmas, all of the planning, shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, sending out cards, and whatever else you do is most likely coming together. You might have a few extra gifts to wrap and some last minute items. I experience the same[…]

Create More Feeling Good Vibes in Your Life

Fourth of July celebrations are almost here. I love summer vacations and patriotic celebrations. I get so excited about all of the fun, and I am also really excited about my clients, too. I am headed off for a 17 day vacation that will take me and my son to Minneosta, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 2 Webinar Success

Happy Black Friday! Welcome to Day 2 of my Small Biz Christmas Event on my blog Day 2 of Small Biz Christmas. Today’s topic is webinar success. No matter what type of business you own, conducting webinars is an amazing way of attracting new clients, introducing and selling new products, offering training, building your brand,[…]

10 things I appreciate this Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving. We have a tradition at our house where we go around the table and have each person say what they appreciate over the past year. I thought I would share my list with you. These ten things are in random order- in fact I could put them all at number one. 1. I[…]

Time Management During the Holiday Season

If you are like most people, the Holiday Season is filled with extra activities, gatherings, and other tasks. Yet you still have your carpools, commutes, jobs, and everything else that goes along with your everyday life. This time of the year should be special, not stressful because you have tried to pack too much in to[…]

Is growing your biz aka “selling” making you anxious?

How can you have relaxed sales conversation when you are worried about your cash flow in your business? This is a question I receive frequently from small biz owners. It is true that when you feel worried and concerned about making a sale, your energy comes across as salesy, pushy, and too aggressive. You also[…]

Want to be a difference maker and catalyst for change?

I have been listening to comments and reading feedback. You’ve been hearing about my mastermind over the last couple of weeks and it is coming up soon, starting on Oct 9. I have heard from some of you wondering if you can get my YPTS (Your Path to Success) Life Coaching Certification by itself instead[…]

The value in your package offers (pricing)

The value in your offers (aka pricing). When I am working with people who are coaches, consultants, and professionals I often see that they are underpricing. When I mention that their prices are really low, the reply I receive is something like this, “I could never charge $5,000, $10,000, $50,000, etc) for a package.” The[…]

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