Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

How to Lift Anxiety and Fear and Shift to More Inner Peace and Calm

What can you do when you are faced with uncertain times? Powerlessness and vulnerability emerge when many of your day-to-day actions are impacted. Things you took for granted like being able to buy products easily at your local grocery store, or going out to eat, or hanging out with a group of friends, or traveling[…]

Shift Your Old Money Story and Create a Powerful New One

How to Shift Your Money Story. Your money story dramatically impacts your life and your money story keeps you repeating the same habits. Let’s completely shift your money story here today. I know that is a bold, bold goal, but I’m all about bold goals. This article is full of exercises and action steps you[…]

The Secret Sauce for Success, Abundance, and Living a Happy Life

Love More, Practice Unconditional Love Almost every situation (at work, at home) could be improved by adding more love. I don’t mean romantic love between partners. I am talking about a deep love; unconditional love, as a verb, an act, instead of a feeling. Unconditional love means love without condition. You love to be loving[…]

Get Clear About Your People, Purpose, and Prosperity

People, purpose, and prosperity are the magical triad for happiness and success in life and biz. When you have the right people in your life, a clear purpose, and a powerful prosperity mindset that helps you manifest what you want, you will be living the life you want.

Super Charge Your Life and Biz with Inspired Action

Why do some people seem to get more done in two weeks than other people get done in six months? These highly productive people are taking inspired action. If you asked them to stop acting and sit and do nothing, it would probably be painful for them. If you feel like you could be taking[…]

Shift to a Stronger, More Empowered Set of Beliefs

Your set of beliefs becomes the operating system of your life. What you believe is your truth and your reality. Whatever you believe shapes your abilities, capabilities, capacity to succeed, and ultimately, what you achieve in your life. If you are not achieving what you want, the place to look first is your belief system.[…]

Creating compelling story to grow your biz

Knowing and sharing who you really are. Knowing who you really are and opening up to the willingness to share who you really are creates a sense of freedom and authenticity as you grow your business. This question,  “Tell me about you”, is the question that gets just about everyone flustered. Why? because you sometimes[…]

Happy New Year Wishing You Magic and Miracles

Happy New Year Happy New Year!It’s page one of 365. Your 2020 will bring to you what you bring to it. My dream is that you love yourself through the wins, the obstacles, the setbacks, and the overcoming. This is a journey. There is glory and joy in all of it. Choose joy as your[…]

Day 11 of the 12 Days of Joy Favorite Holiday Traditions

Day 11 of 12 Days of Joy Favorite Holiday Traditions Traditions Provide Comfort and Joy During the Holidays Holiday traditions often provide comfort, joy, and beautiful memories. Traditions offer stability and a valued connection to family.  As long as you remain flexible and allow that some years may change slightly or even a lot from[…]

Day 9 of the 12 Days of Joy Practice the Mindset Reset

Day 9 of the 12 Days of Joy Practice a Mindset Reset How to Master Your Mindset During the Holidays The quality and experience of your holidays are directly related to how you think. If you want to have a magical holiday season, focus on mastering your mindset and then everything else falls into place.[…]

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