Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

12 Days of Christmas Life and Biz Strategies Day 7 Happiness

Today’s Topic: Happiness  “Happy holidays.” You have been hearing that a lot lately. We feel like we should be happy during the holidays. It’s a cheery time of year. Sometimes people are not happy. Job and family stress creeps in. Expectations seem overwhelming at times. You may even feel guilty that you don’t feel happy[…]

12 Days of Christmas Biz and Life Strategies Day 5 Time Management

Today’s Topic: Time Management Most people would say that they are interested in doing the right things, not just packing their schedules full of more activities and commitments. If you struggle with time management, you may feel it more acutely during the holiday season. Are you doing all you can in the planning area of[…]

12 Days of Christmas Life and Biz Strategies Day 3 Success Rituals

Today’s Topic: Daily Success Rituals If you want to up-level your success, implement a daily success ritual that you do first thing every morning. The most successful people do this. It sets up your success and sets up your day to be productive, as well as getting your mindset on track right way. You will[…]

Top 15 Tips to Make December Great

In the middle of Holiday traditions and a full schedule, you are still you. You still have personal goals and business/career goals. What if your personal goal is to eat better and hit the gym, yet December is filled with extra parties, eating out, and treats everywhere? What if your goal is to grow your[…]

How to Manage Holiday Stress

The Holiday season is coming up fast and I wanted to share my tips on managing your busy schedule during this fun, family oriented, yet sometimes, exhausting, season. The Holiday Season is filled with extra activities, gatherings, and other tasks. Yet you still have everything else that goes along with your everyday life. You can make[…]

Discover How to Clear this Block to Your Success

Do you ever get that nagging feeling that “something” is blocking you? And in order to get rid of the blocks you have been studying, self-reflecting, and clearing, but despite your best efforts, that block is still there? Today, I am going to bring up one of the most uncomfortable topics in human relations. What[…]

3 Ways to Grow Your Self-Esteem and Stop Sabotaging Yourself

Your own self-belief affects everything in your life. Your positive self-belief creates success, prosperity, happiness, and abundance: a negative self-belief gets in the way of all the good in your life. You may have heard the saying- “I am my own worst enemy”. This is what happens with negative self-beliefs. You will sabotage your own good efforts and your goals.[…]

How to Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose

If you are struggling with inspiration and motivation, you will feel more inspired through intrinsic motivation when you are aligned with your purpose. You have unique skills, talents, desires, personality, and a beautiful soul. When you truly fulfill your purpose and know that you are living each day doing the work you love;  you will feel[…]

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