Normalizing the Difficulties of Parenting with Heba Shunbo

Parenting is a joy, yet, parenting is full of challenges too, especially when you add in balancing parenting with a career, relationships, and a business. I have found that mothers around the world, have a similar experience. We all want the best for our kids, yet we often lose ourselves in the process of daily family life. If you want a real conversation about motherhood/parenting and normalizing the difficulties of parenting, meet my guest on The Sheri Kaye Hoff Show for living joyfully in your life and biz- Heba Shunbo creator of the Mommy’s Happy Hour podcast. We discuss:

  • Normalizing difficulties with mothering and/or parenting
  • Mental and physical health for women, emphasizing mothers
  • Empowering women
  • Breaking boundaries and discussing topics that women don’t discuss openly. Listen Here:

I’m Heba Shunbo. Mommy to toddler twins, Nina and Zane. And they’re double the trouble.

Having my kids a little later in life, living in Cairo surrounded by family, and realizing this motherhood thing isn’t as easy as it seems, I decided to get together with like-minded mommies to give you a behind-the-scenes view of the reality of motherhood and the sh*t we go through. We like to keep it real, uncut, and uncensored.

The Sheri Kaye Hoff Show for Living Joyfully in your Biz and Life. Create More Freedom, Happiness, and Success. Sheri is a business coach, consultant, mindset mastery expert, and personal development, expert. She is a best-selling author of transformational books and a near-death survivor. She is a noted radio show guest, keynote speaker, and workshop leader. Sheri uses a coaching approach that is action-oriented, intuitive, inspiring, and energy-boosting. She lives in beautiful Colorado and is married (for over 25 years) with three children, three step-children, and four grandchildren. Sheri loves inspiring happiness, family dinners, dancing, football, golf, wine, the beach, and the mountains. You can also listen to the podcast by saying “Alexa, play the Sheri Kaye Hoff Show” This podcast is syndicated globally including your favorite podcast player and is available on youtube

Show Timeline


The creation of Mommy’s Happy Hour Podcast to connect with other women and help each other with the emotional experiences of parenting.


Dealing with your time is not your time anymore


When you are scared and vulnerable as a parent. Normalizing the difficulties of parenting.


Creating a space and self-care for yourself as an individual


Learning from other parents.


Discussing difficult topics and staying honest.  


The global similarities of parenting.


“I think every mother and every woman goes through different stages in their lives. And it’s important to feel like we’re not alone. And that we have other women that feel the same way.”

Heba Shunbo
Sheri Kaye Hoff Headshot

Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Transformational Business Coach known for inspiring, intuition, vision, and massive action, and being a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create transformational change. Sheri is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying and has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success. Learn More About Sheri

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Normalizing the Difficulties of Parenting with Heba Shunbo

Sheri Kaye Hoff

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