Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

Be in Your Happy Now

Be in Your Happy Now Day 6 of 12 Days of Holiday Joy The quality and experience of your holidays and life in general are directly related to how you think. If you want to have a magical holiday season and a magical life, focus on mastering your mindset and then everything else falls into[…]

Create Your Instant Miracle Day 5 of 12 Days of Holiday Joy

Create an Instant Miracle Day 5 of 12 days of Holiday Joy When you think of miracles, you might think of dramatic healings or delivery from harm. Yes, these do happen. I experienced miraculous healing five years ago. My doctors called it a spontaneous remission. I called it a miracle. I describe my experience in[…]

Making Your Dreams Your Reality

Making Your Dreams Your Reality Day 4 of 12 Days of Holiday Joy Dreaming is fun. I do remember a time in my life when I realized that at some point I stopped dreaming big. I was caught up in the daily details of working, raising kids, going to school and managing a household. I[…]

Inner Peace and Productivity Day 2 of 12

Inner Peace and Productivity Day 2 of 12 Days of Holiday Joy Have you ever had an unexpectedly long wait? Of course, you have. We all have those long hold times on the phone or in the doctor’s waiting room or the airport. Recently, I had a two-hour wait for my son. I was in[…]

Top Ways to Add More Joy and Happiness Day 1 of 12

Day 1 Ten Fun Ways to Experience More Holiday Joy Today, here is a fun top ten list of ways to up your happiness right now. Happiness can be simple and easy. Here are ten ways to get happiness flowing: 1. Look up videos of Husky puppies learning to howl (yes, it’s a thing on[…]

How to Be Unstoppable Interview with Joanna Sanchez

How to Be Unstoppable. Interview with Actress and Producer Joanna Sanchez I had the opportunity to sit down with Joanna to discuss gratitude, what it takes to be unstoppable, and how to stay centered and grounded.  About Joanna: Joanna Sanchez is a well-established actress, producer, and acting coach. She has appeared on Broadway as well[…]

How to Adapt Your Business Model Interview with Susie McMahon

How to Adapt Your Business During Change. Interview with Luxury Travel Expert: Susie McMahon I had the opportunity to sit down with Susie to talk about her travel business, why she started, her advice to other business owners, and how she deals with the everyday ups and downs of growing a business, especially during these[…]

How to Stay in Your Personal Power

What great news it is that you are in charge of your own inner peace. People are meaning-makers and the meaning of any situation in life is up to you. I saw a humorous meme that said something like- no matter who wins the election the majority of the problems in your life are still[…]

Choosing Inner Peace and Love

On the eve of an important election in the U.S. I find myself calm and full of peace. The rumblings of conflict and perhaps even violence are not moving me from my place of inner peace. I love my neighbors, my friends, my family, my city, my country, and the world. I believe in the[…]

Make a Difference Do Something

If you feel like you are standing on shaky ground you are not alone. George Floyd’s senseless murder rocked the world and brought racism and police reform to the forefront. In addition, we are still in the midst of a pandemic, financial vulnerability, and some random looting in communities that have hurt business owners. And[…]

7 Keys to the Art of Life Mastery

The famous poet Langston Hughes said, “Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” You started this year with dreams and goals. Then the unimaginable happened. And maybe you are in a personal crisis, and you are just trying to get by, and your dreams might[…]

The Three Keys for Living Inspired

Would you love more inspiration? Living inspired is the secret to a fulfilled and happy life. But how do you get there when you feel meh, or how do you maintain it when you feel yourself dipping and getting flat or even uninspired? How do you lift yourself up when you have been staying at[…]

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