Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

Limiting Beliefs Five Important Keys to Letting Them Go

Where did those pesky limiting beliefs come from? You may be surprised to know that one source is the belief that your personality is innate- meaning you were born with your personality. Our society is full of opportunities to type and label from personality tests, trauma experiences, the way you were raised, the life experience[…]

Three Powerful Keys to Living Your Vision

Do you wonder if you are making the most of your days, weeks, months, and years? You are probably successful in many areas and have close relationships, so your life is moving along, and you are comfortable, and that is awesome.  But did you know that people who have created a three-year or more vision plan achieve[…]

How to Activate Intuitive Biz Growth Podcast

Grow your small business, coaching practice, consulting business, or professional practice with your intuitive skills. Masterclass taught by Sheri Kaye Hoff. Everyone has intuitive skills and with practice, you will be able to use and trust your intuition in your business instead of running after each shiny new thing thinking it provides your ultimate solution.

How to Create an Inspiring and Meaningful Bucket List

How to Create an Inspiring and Meaningful Bucket List Do you have a bucket list? If you do, when did you make it? And how often have you looked at it? Or have you tried to create a bucket list of 100 things to do, but after about 20, you run out of steam or[…]

Kickstart Your Self Care Routine

Practicing Self-Care 12 of 12 Days of Holiday Joy Our 12 Days of Holiday Joy Event is coming to a close. Congratulations to our $100 Amazon gift card drawing winner Robyn Richards. Thank you for the heartfelt comments here, on Instagram, and in our facebook group. It’s been a wonderful holiday season. Love, laughter, joy,[…]

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