Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

Fear Shows Up Right When You are Doing Something Big

I woke up this morning with no voice. I mean zero. A whisper barely came out. It took a few minutes for it to sink in. I make my living with my voice through coaching, webinars, radio interviews and so on. I felt a little bubble of panic, then denial. Then I went back to[…]

Relax into Inspired Action

I have a new book coming out next week called Relax Into Inspired Action: Connect the Pieces, and Live Fulfilled. (Watch for the launch on April 2). In the book I share some stories of how people connect the pieces in their lives. Over my years as a coach and my experience in training and[…]

The Three Biggest Blocks to Your Success

The Three Biggest Blocks to Your Success: Time, Money, Fear If you want to know what is in your way look at these three topics: time, money, and fear. Your approach to time affects your success and inner peace on a daily basis, your thoughts and beliefs about money impact your financial situation every day,[…]

If you struggle with that money thing in your biz

If you feel like you struggle with the whole money thing, you are not alone. Whether you spend too much, don’t make enough, worry about spending your savings, worry that you don’t have enough saved, worry how you’ll make ends meet; many people are just like you. You probably think that if you make more[…]

A New, Fun Way to Help Your Achieve Your Business Goals

You probably have some goals that you really, really want to make happen. And perhaps, these goals have seemed out of reach for awhile. You might be thinking about a personal goal or a biz growth goal. I want to help you reach your vision and experience everything that is important to you. One of[…]

5 Steps and 10 Tips to Make 2015 Great

2014 has had some terrific moments and achievements, and 2015 has the potential for you to truly take giants steps forward and achieve the goals you set. But did you know, according to Forbes, only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions? It is possible that you could be part of the 8%, but[…]

Small Biz Christmas Finale

For the past 14 days, I have been sharing treasures here on my blog to help you grow your small business. Today is the Finale Day. I encourage you to read through the past 14 days of articles and download all the gifts that interest you.  (Click on the Blog tab to access all of[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 14

People resonate with your business when you are being the authentic you. Clients want to connect with the real you…  which includes your strengths/weaknesses/mistakes/victories. Furthermore, people know authentic when they see it. It is tempting and comfortable to try to minimize the challenges or pain because we somehow want to show only the strong part[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 13

Are you inspired about the action you are taking right now in your business? Or do you have a long, laundry list of to-do’s that wears you out just looking at it? What if you felt inspired most of the time- not just some of the time? When you develop your ability to take inspired[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 12

Relax, all is well. Do you feel relaxed right now? If not, what are you feeling? As a biz person, you can end up on auto-pilot. There is so much to do; and you know it is up to you to make it happen. In the fast paced life you lead, feelings get pushed and[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 11

Small Biz Christmas Day 11 “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”  Napoleon Hill Do you remember  National Lampoon’s Christmas show  with the ever troubled character that Chevy Chase plays (Clark). Disasters and crazy happenings[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 10

It’s Small Biz Christmas Day 10 Breakthrough moment: I realized I am wearing a shirt that is the most comfortable shirt I own.  The fabric is soft and it is really really comfy, but I hate the way it looks on me. I wouldn’t wear it out for lunch and if someone stopped over and[…]

Small Biz Christmas Day 9

It’s Small Biz Christmas Day 9 If you are trying to achieve a goal, your mind is probably working over time to create solutions and trying to figure out how to make it happen. That is how our minds work. When we ask a question, it keeps on working for you even when you are[…]

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