Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

Discover Steps for More Every Day Happiness

Some people seem happier than others. Some people seem to magnetize you with their smile, their energy and others seem to be perpetually “in a mood” and something is “always going wrong”.  In the U.S. only about one third of people report being very happy. One of the biggest factors that impact daily happiness is[…]

Happiness is Linked to Your Bottom Line

  “I’ll be so happy when….” (fill in the blank). You probably filled in the blank with things like: “I finish school. My home is sold. When I buy my home. When I buy my next car. When I pay off all of my debt. When my business takes off. When I lose weight. When[…]

Learn How to Turn a Crisis into a Triumph

We all experience a crisis now and then. The crisis could be relatively small like missing an important appointment or it could be something life-threatening such as a near-death experience or a serious diagnosis. Approximately 70% of people in the US will experience a more severe crisis in their lifetimes. How is it that one[…]

5 Ways to Obliterate Limiting Beliefs

What is a limiting belief? Notice what you use after you say the word “because”…. in a sentence. E.G. My business is struggling because of the economy. I can’t lose weight because of my metabolism. I can’t go back to school because I don’t have the money. You can only receive in your life what[…]

3 Steps to Unleashing Inspired Action for Women in Biz

If you own a business, you are already taking a lot of action. In fact, your schedule probably feels packed and you likely feel like you are putting in a lot of hours. But, are those hours yielding the results that you want in your business? Is your client list full? Are you creating the[…]

Live Like You Are Really Living

Happy February and Happy Valentine’s. There is a lot to celebrate! One of my two favorite teams (the Broncos) won Super Bowl 50, after being huge underdogs. The lesson here is that you can create your own story and don’t need to listen to any naysayers out there in your own life. You can do[…]

5 Steps and 10 Habits to Make 2016 Great

Our twelve days of joy drawing prize winner for a $50 Amazon gift certificate is Robyn (check your email- it is there already). 2015 has had some terrific moments and achievements, and 2016 has the potential for you to truly take giants steps forward and achieve the goals you set. But did you know, according[…]

12 Days of Joy Day 12 Happy New Year

12 Days of Joy Day 12 Happy New Year 2016! (Be sure to comment and have your name entered in the drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. I am drawing tomorrow). Happy New Year! My wish for you is to have an absolutely incredible 2016. Here are some keys to creating a joy filled[…]

12 Days of Joy Day 11

12 Days of Joy Day 11 Happy New Years Eve My day started out amazing because I had a Q and A call with my signature Be the Inspiration Mastermind Group. Every single person in the group was on the call. The questions were brilliant from how to move out of judgement to how to[…]

12 Days of Joy Day 10

12 Days of Joy Day 10- The topic is Goal Setting It feels good to achieve your goals. It also can feel stressful when you don’t achieve your goals. As New Years Eve and Day are almost here, many people turn their thoughts to 2016 resolutions. As you think about the things you want to[…]

12 Days of Joy Day 9

12 Days of Joy Day 9 – Prosperity One of the terrific benefits from increasing joy in your life is that you raise your energy vibration and then manifesting your goals and attracting prosperity becomes easier. Abundance is a natural result of joy. As you feel better and happier, you attract your matching energy vibration[…]

12 Days of Joy Day 8

12 Days of Joy Day 8 Increase your joy in your life by deciding you want more joy. Happiness and joy come from within. No amount of outer achievements, accomplishments, or wealth accumulation will create joy for you. Sustainable joy comes from within. I remember going through a period in my life where I would[…]

12 Days of Joy Day 7

12 Days of Joy Day 7 Increase your joy through random acts of kindness. This season, I have been both the receiver and giver of these random acts of kindness. I was in a long line at the grocery store and I let the person behind me go in front of me. The gentleman was[…]

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