Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas Emotional Intelligence During the Holidays

Today’s topic: Emotional Intelligence During the Holidays

The Holidays are filled with expectations, family obligations, and upholding traditions. It’s a magical time of year, but it can also be a time of year where you find yourself reacting in ways that seem out of character. Because this is the time of year to spend with family, this is also the time of year where you may be triggered by past stories. For instance, if you have felt criticized by a certain family member or you always try to get everyone’s approval, you may get angry when you perceive critical comments or people are withholding approval.

You may also feel frustrated by other people’s behavior. If someone is thoughtless, careless, or unappreciative of your efforts, do you wonder why you bothered to try to create holiday magic?

The solution for judgment is love. When you feel angry and are judging others or yourself, you can pivot from this and choose to forgive, and invite love in. I like to imagine a big ocean of love. I can’t think of love and anger at the same time. As soon as I turn to love, the anger lifts.

Where does the pressure come from anyway? Why do we have such high expectations for the Holidays? Part of the expectations is created by the holiday movies, tv shows, and commercials that create, perhaps, an unrealistic portrait of Holidays. Another piece of the puzzle is our childhood memories. We have created a Christmas story. Your story might be one filled with lavish gifts and now you are trying to re-create this. Your story might be one where there weren’t presents or a family member was always drunk, or people fought and you might try to compensate by trying to create a perfect Christmas.

When your plans allow for the normal human factor, you will have a much more peaceful holiday experience. Someone will be unhappy at some moment during the holidays, some plans will need to change ( weather, travel, work obligations, etc), and you may forget something. Take care of what you can and then you can let go.

Other people’s happiness and actions are not your responsibility.

Happiness and Joy

Here are some tips for managing expectations:

  • Communicate clearly.
  • Ask questions. What are family members plans? What do they want to do?
  • Let people know what time things start.
  • If you are traveling to someone’s home, let them know when you will arrive.
  • Be clear about presents (are you doing a gift exchange, etc).
  • Ask for help.
  • If you are not the host, offer sincere help.
  • When things go wrong, take a pause. Take a deep breath in and out. Think before you speak.
  • Think simple. Keep asking yourself, how can I make this simple? Can you make something ahead of time? Can you order it from somewhere? Can you bake fewer cookies? etc.
  • Laugh more. When you laugh instead of getting uptight, you release tension.
  • Ask, yourself, is this my business?
  • If you are the recipient of unwanted advice, you can practice the pause and let go of a defensive response.
  • Make flexibility your mantra.
  • Take a few minutes to practice coming back to calm with this podcast 14 minute audio

If you liked this, you will love my article on managing emotions during difficult challenges

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What is the 12 Days of Christmas Event?

Happy 12 days of Christmas! It’s that time of year on my blog where I post every day for 12 days with inspiration, motivation, blessings, and strategies for you as you live each day of your amazing life and as you create your own unique path to success.  Each day, I will also have a special offer, a freebie, or a quick audio.

Please join my free facebook group and comment on each day’s blog.

You can comment on the facebook group and/or the blog. Every time you comment or share the day’s blog on social media your name will go into a drawing for a $75 Amazon gift card (up to ten entries per person per day). The drawing will be held after the 12-day event is over on Dec 26. In order to keep track of social media shares, please post in the facebook group where and how many comments/shares you have each day.

In Happiness,

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach, Trainer, and Author, Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Business Coach known for inspiring massive action and a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling, Sheri inspires people to do the work they love and make more money. Sheri helps business owners and professionals to relax into success. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying, and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to discover the keys to happiness and success and then share them with her clients and community. Learn More About Sheri

Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas Emotional Intelligence During the Holidays

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach and Author Sheri Kaye Hoff is known for inspiring heart and soul-based success and is a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and a thriving mindset in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling; Sheri inspires people to do the work they love. She uses spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She has overcome nearly dying and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success.

8 thoughts on “Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas Emotional Intelligence During the Holidays

  1. All of this info is great but what stuck out to me is the the solution is LOVE! Not only for judgement but for so many things.

  2. “The solution for judgment is love”
    – this is so beautiful to read! It’s like a miracle within your abilities to make such a difference in a circumstance!

  3. The communication piece is so important! So many misunderstandings can be resolved w good communication. Thank you!

  4. Great tips Sheri.
    I love practice the pause and let go of the defensive response.
    The flexibility mantra is very powerful too.
    Thank you for sharing.

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