It’s Day 7 for Small Biz Christmas- Growing Your Service Biz During the Holidays with Marketing That Feels Good
Not all businesses peak during the holidays. If your business is retail and gift oriented, yes- this is the traditional time. But if your business is service oriented such as coaching, accounting, law, virtual assisting, etc ; you might find growing your business during this time of year a bit of a challenge.
Here are some tips for all businesses.
You still have almost full month. That is 1/12 of your entire year. There is still time to make an impact. Don’t give up on the year or stop client attracting activities.
People are in “spending” mode and it’s fun. And most are willing to spend on themselves, too. For instance, when I am shopping on Amazon for Christmas presents, I start looking at cute shoes for myself, too. And I also am looking for biz items/services so I can have last minute tax deductions in my business, too.
You are generally around more people than at any other time of the year. Can you say “networking”? Be fun about it, don’t start slinging around your sales pitch at the first question- “What are you up to?” But do use your elevator pitch and if you get questions, go ahead and answer those questions and get permission to follow up.
Give your current customers your best service. Even if you think you already give them great service, up-level it. Add value to relationships. Show appreciation.
Run some fun promos:
- Create a bundle with your best services/products. This bundle is only available for a certain time.
- Create a product/service of the month. Your client pays up front and, then, for the next year receives an audio of the month. Show how they save by getting it now.
- Have a price increase sale. Let your clients know that your prices are increasing after the first of the year, so they can lock in their old rate now.
- Have a rollback sale- bring back one of your retro prices for a very short time.
- Hold a drawing on your blog or facebook page and give away prizes. E.g a service, an amazon gift card, etc.
One year, I did all of the above promos and my December really rocked. You could just pick one and focus on it.
Use down time during the month to:
- Tie up loose ends.
- Finish your plan for 2015.
- Work on a kick off event/launch for 2015.
- Review 2014 financials.
- Upgrade/Update your website and other biz tools.
- Learn new techniques.
- Try new software and new apps.
The choice is yours, you can choose a fabulous December. Remember, only do what feels really good to you. Use your inner guidance and promote what feels right using language that is respectful and loving, not fear based. Yes, we want to mention the “elephant in the room” which is the problem that your service can fix. But concentrate more on the benefits and nix any scare tactics. Yuck, that is old style marketing. Keep it fun for you and your clients and high energy. You are allowed to have fun, even if your business is ultra-serious. What is life without laughter?
And here is an opportunity for you to up-level your marketing:
I have created a new 10 week marketing program. This program focuses on marketing your biz in a way that feels good and gets results. This program won’t officially launch until next summer, but I am taking a handful of people who are willing to be in the beta group. The beta group will begin Jan 7 and will be offered at a substantially reduced price than the launch price. If this interests you please email me for more info at [email protected] I am only taking 6 or 7 people. My beta groups have always filled right away in the past, so if you think this might be for you, be sure to let me know.
Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach, Trainer, and Author, Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Business Coach known for inspiring massive action and a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling, Sheri inspires people to do the work they love and make more money. Sheri helps business owners and professionals to relax into success. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying, and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to discover the keys to happiness and success and then share them with her clients and community. Learn More About Sheri