Day 5 of 5 Days of Joy and Bliss
Discover Practical Tips for Manifesting Abundance
The Holiday Season feels abundant. People are feeling generous. Parties, food, and gifts abound. Not a day seems to go by without an example of lavishness. I love the sparkling decorations and bright colors. I adore the sweet treats and carefully prepared food. The beautifully wrapped gifts waiting to be opened spark curiosity and anticipation.
However, the Holiday Season can also create a stark contrast to your reality. What if the year felt like a struggle? Or what if you had an unexpected, very expensive health crisis? Maybe you feel disappointed with your results in your job or business.
What if you want to feel abundant and you don’t? What if you want to experience achieving a long-held goal?
Let’s first look at what abundance is. Of course, most people think of money and that is definitely part of it. Abundance also includes friendships, relationships, health, happiness, fulfillment, inner peace, and feeling like you make a difference (feel free to add a few more of your own ideas here).
The quickest way to abundance is to create the feeling of having it. When you think about a goal, it is tempting to go right into the “how-to”, however, you will create alignment and increase your energy vibration if you concentrate on how it will feel to achieve it. If your goal is to run a marathon, concentrate and create the feeling of crossing the finish line. Perhaps, your dream is to sail around the world, imagine the sunshine, the wind, and the freedom of doing it. When you create the feeling, the logistics of doing it show up in your life.
Don’t attach to the path because there are many paths. Attach to the feeling.
You can also increase the feeling by focusing on gratitude. You can project gratitude for completing something that has not happened yet. You can also appreciate what you already have.
When you create the feeling of publishing a book, landing an acting role, buying your dream home, taking a dream trip, finding the love of your life, or whatever else is on your vision board, you can enhance the power of feeling it through deepening your trust that it is all working out.
Below are beautiful affirmations from one of my favorite authors:
“I am one with the Power that created me. I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity that the Universe offers. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask. I am Divinely guided and protected, and I make choices that are beneficial for me. I rejoice in others’ successes, knowing there is plenty for us all.” Louise Hay
When you practice feeling your abundance (on your terms- abundance is how you define it, not how someone else defines it), begin to look for paths, methods, and opportunities that appear and line up with your goals. If you get an inspiration to call someone, do it. If you feel led to action, try it. It’s a grand adventure when you choose to perceive it that way.
A practical way to feel abundance is to journal like it already happened by writing in the past tense. My clients have been doing this for years. You can even just go one day into the future. Use tomorrow’s date in your journal, and write down everything that you wanted to happen today like it already happened. As soon as you do that, you will likely better and feel like taking some action.
You might immediately resist these ideas because you might look at your bank account or your circumstances and say, “No the truth is I am not living abundantly.”
But is there something in your life that feels abundant? Maybe your abundance is a hug from a child, or a gathering of friends, or a stack of books to read? Opportunities for living a more abundant life are all around you.
These are five powerful steps for living more abundantly.
1. Abundance appears when it is already appreciated. You are already abundant in many ways. Write a list of proof. Prove to yourself that you are abundant. Write down every abundant aspect of your life. Include the clothes you have, your friends, family members, the place you live, etc… All of the things and people you truly appreciate. Feeling abundant is the opposite of desperate. So when you focus on abundant feelings, your energy level and point of attraction go up.
2. Then abundance responds to choice:
Someone once asked me how I can take so many trips. I simply replied, “Travel is a choice.” I decide what trip I want to do, and the way appears. The path opens up, but the actual manifesting of the trip starts with a decision to do it. If I feel wishy-washy about a trip, it usually doesn’t happen, but when I firmly decide, “I am doing it.” A way reveals itself. One year I took 7 vacations. That was the first year I decided to take more vacations.
If you have something you want to do, make a conscious choice about doing it or having it. Affirm, ” I am (fill in the blank).
3. Take the first inspired action step. Even if you feel unsure about the entire path, just take the first step. The first step might be making an appointment, or filling out an application, or researching, or something else.
4. Allow for alternate paths to your goal. Your goal or desire could come to you in a creative manner that would never occur to you. Affirm, “I am open to this working out.” I once went to Europe in an unusual way. I took a transatlantic cruise, saw 5 countries, spoke at an event in England, and spent time with a wonderful client, then came back via a long layover flight through Iceland (I spent a day in another lovely country). When I first decided to see my client in England, this is not the way I imagined traveling, but it is the way the trip unfolded because I was open and curious, and I traveled with an amazing colleague and we got to know each other on a much deeper level. I was open to possibilities.
5. Practice receiving your goal. Practice by visualizing this happening. Practice by receiving help and support from other people. Practice the feeling you will have when your goal or desire manifests. I manifest most of my dreams and desires by writing in my journal like I already have it. Once you manifest one big dream, you start to know deep in your heart that all of your dreams are coming true.
What is the 5 Days of Joy and Bliss Event?
It’s that time of year on my blog where I post every day for 5 days with inspiration, motivation, blessings, and strategies for you as you live each day of your amazing life and as you create your own unique path to success.
Please join my free Facebook group and comment on each day’s blog.
You can comment on the Facebook group and/or the blog. Every time you comment or share the day’s blog on social media your name will go into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card (up to ten entries per person per day). The drawing will be held after the 5-day event is over on Dec 20.
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- The course for more happiness and joy whenever you want it- Save today and get a cool bonus: Motivate, Uplift, and Inspire Course
- The course for living abundantly The Art of Abundance

Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Transformational Business Coach known for inspiring, intuition, vision, and massive action, and being a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create transformational change. Sheri is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying and has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success. Learn More About Sheri
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2 thoughts on “Practical Tips for Manifesting Abundance”
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I have been noticing lately that I have an abundance of my friends — way more than I would have anticipated at certain previous points in my life. I like to use this as an example to myself of abundance being possible.
An abundance of friends- what a blessing:)