Making Your Dreams Your Reality

Making Your Dreams Your Reality Day 4 of 12 Days of Holiday Joy

Dreaming is fun. I do remember a time in my life when I realized that at some point I stopped dreaming big. I was caught up in the daily details of working, raising kids, going to school and managing a household. I was stunned by this realization.

I was always a dreamer. As a kid, I would lie on my back in the grass with my eyes closed and the sun beating down on my face and I would imagine. What would I imagine? Everything. I saw myself as a member of Charlie’s Angels, as an astronaut, as a teacher, as an Olympic figure skater, and more. I felt the world was completely open and I was free to choose my destiny. Fast forward to today, and guess what? I was on to something as a child.

“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’”
George Bernard Shaw

Our dreams do drive us forward. About 15 years ago, when I realized that I stopped dreaming, I returned to my journal practice. I started writing down all of my dreams and asked questions like Wouldn’t it be cool if…? or What if I …? or What would I do if there were no limits? I felt myself expanding and getting excited and passionate again. I trusted that something big was going to be happening.

That something big was starting my business in 2007. Then when I realized I wasn’t taking many or sometimes any vacations, I wrote in my journal…What if I took six vacations this year? And that is what I did that same year and just about every year since then. Our dreams are powerful and inspiring motivators, but there is that something else. That step between dreaming and making your dreams a reality.

What does it take to bring your dreams into reality? A piece of the puzzle is goal planning, but not just that… goal achievement. What turns the plans into achievement?

A 90 day focus drives achievement because it is enough time to accomplish something big but a short enough time span to keep you focused. Here is a process to use.

  • Create a vision for your life so you know where you are heading. If you need help with this- check out my Living Your Vision Course. Use coupon code bookmore50 to save $50. Details here.
  • Then look at this year- what are the major things you want to create in your life this year? Write them down. If you are having trouble with this, assess the major areas of your life, and notice the areas you want to shift to a higher level.

Next plan your upcoming 90 days.

  • Set three goals for the 90 days that could be accomplished in this time frame. Examples could be losing 6 lbs, adding ten new high-level clients, writing an ebook (etc). Of course, you will do more than three things in 90 days, but these three are the big ones for you that will make the biggest difference in your life.
  • Write down your why for each of these goals. What is your main motivator for each?
  • What are the main action steps for each goal?
  • Create a bucket list for the next 90 days. What experiences do you want to have? These could be fun adventures, learning, family events, etc.
  • Write down important deadlines and dates.
  • Decide on any important new habits and track them. Free Habit Tracker Here:

Then in practice, using a planner, plan each week one week at a time. On Sunday, if your week starts on Monday, decide your three most important focus points for the week, review deadlines and appointments. At the end of the week reflect on the week. What worked? What could be better? How will you improve the next week?

On a daily basis, in a journal or planner, write a gratitude list, choose three daily action steps related to your three big goals, and/or your bucket list. Decide each day what your win the day action will be. This means that if X happens the day is great. Choose actions that you have control over. For example, a walk, clean eating, writing for 30 minutes, number of calls, number of interactions, clear communication during a meeting, etc. Finally, track your time, your habits, and your mood each day.

Journal Prompt:

What are my three goals for the next 90 days?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Featured Freebie today: Sheri’s 90 Day Planning Worksheets

Check out my favorite picks for the Self-Growth Lover in Your Life

Happy Holidays,

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach, Trainer, and Author, Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Business Coach known for inspiring massive action and a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling, Sheri inspires people to do the work they love and make more money. Sheri helps business owners and professionals to relax into success. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying, and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to discover the keys to happiness and success and then share them with her clients and community. Learn More About Sheri

Making Your Dreams Your Reality

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach and Author Sheri Kaye Hoff is known for inspiring heart and soul-based success and is a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and a thriving mindset in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling; Sheri inspires people to do the work they love. She uses spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She has overcome nearly dying and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success.

8 thoughts on “Making Your Dreams Your Reality

  1. Hi Sheri
    I love your post. This year I’m excited about my 90 day plan. I’m going to include weekly planning as you wrote about in your article. A new challenge. Thank you. ?

  2. I understand the reasoning behind the 90 days choice, but I think for me choosing goals and setting a focus would work better for each of the “three new years*”/segments of the year: January through May; June, July and August; September through November. Each of these segments have a different energy (and weather! I’m in Minnesota) and seem to me to call for a different focus.

    (*This isn’t my original idea; I heard it from the podcasts of Lisa Woodruff, Organzie365, which I enjoy listening to.)

    I do find that writing steps to take toward my goals on a planner — and then crossing them off as I accomplish them, because I love being able to cross things off — helps me get closer to achieving them.

    1. Hi Joanna, Love that you use a planner. My parents live in Minnesota:) I grew up there. I think it doesn’t matter if you choose 90 days or three new years or any other shortened time period.. for the time frame, you can still use the same principles for goal setting within whichever time frame works best for you.

  3. I stopped dreaming too…. who knows when or really why?
    That matters not when you get a message like this to dream, note those visions and take action!
    I have dreams that deserve to come forth!❤

  4. Thank you for reminding me that I have not been attentive to my dreams – lost in the present!
    Dreams rekindled… time for action with your wisdom! ❤

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