How to Take Guided Inspired Action Steps
Have you ever asked, What should I do? What’s the next step? or thought I have no idea what to do or made crazy lists of too much to do? The best feeling action steps are guided-inspired action steps. What do I mean by guided inspired action? First, inspired action feels easy, natural, and is something you look forward to even if you are a little scared. Inspired action aligns with purpose and meaning and is moving you closer to your most important goals or desired outcomes. Guided can be divine guidance, inner guidance, a gut feeling, a heart’s nudging, or that gentle voice in your head whispering ideas and direction. Guidance shows up differently for people. For me, I write questions in my journal, and when the answer pops, I write it down. Or throughout the day, I will mentally ask questions (especially right before bedtime). I set the intention that answers come quickly and they do. I view my guidance as divine guidance and inner guidance. How does guidance show up for you? The more you practice, the better and clearer it gets.
Practice these steps for clear, guided, and inspired action that moves you forward and feels amazing.
•Ownership without guilt or blame
•Neutral observer-non judgment
•Willingness to look at things differently
•Connect with your center
•An attitude of discovery
•Your life, your terms, your way, your fun, and limitless possibilities
•Guided action based on soul fulfillment
Accept ownership without guilt or blame. Own where you are right now. Own your goals. Own your results. Release guilt and stop blaming yourself or others. The power in ownership is that when you own where you are, you own that you can change it.
Practice being a neutral observer with non-judgment. Use statements like, “Isn’t that interesting?” “I see this showing up.” “I notice that….” You are the meaning maker. You can assign meaning or decide that something does not have to “mean” anything.
Be willing to see things differently. Journal prompt, “How can I see this differently right now.” Prayer, “God, help me see this differently.” Script a different story.
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Wayne Dyer
Connect with your center. If you do just one thing, get centered and grounded. Say, “I feel my feet on the ground.” Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Centering assists with clarity and shuts down scattered thoughts.
Create an attitude of discovery. Life is an adventure. There is so much to discover about yourself, your life, your business, your world, your relationships, and more. Discovery is fun. Try new things, learn new things, and stretch.
Remember this is your life; you can choose to live it your way and on your terms. Choose fun. See your life as full of limitless possibilities, opportunities, paths, and abundance. Assignment: Do something today because it would be fun.
Guided-inspired action aligns with your soul. You will notice misalignment. This is the feeling of force and frustration. Alignment feels peaceful and right even if it involves big action and triggers some fear. Any time you take action, Ask, “Does this align with my values, my purpose, my joy?
When you practice guided inspired action steps, you will live each day with more peace, passion, energy, and joy.
Did you know that I designed my Living Your Vision Course for living life on your terms and fulfilling passion and purpose? More Info Here.

Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Transformational Business and Life Coach known for inspiring, intuition, vision, and massive action, and being a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create transformational change. Sheri is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying and has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success. Learn More About Sheri
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