Expect Miracles and Master Your Mindset Now

Day 4 of 5 Days of More Joy and Bliss

Expect Miracles and master your mindset. First, let’s talk about expecting miracles. What a great topic for this time of year! The movies are filled with Christmas and Holiday miracles. In my coaching groups, expecting miracles is a regular thing. What is a miracle anyway? You might automatically think about miracles that seem to defy physics or a miracle might be something nearly impossible to achieve. Yes, those things are miraculous.

However, Let’s expand the idea of a miracle. A miracle is also a shift in thinking. Has this happened to you? You think one way, you might even be stuck thinking one way, and suddenly you have a big shift and a different awareness of your situation or a problem. You change the way you look at things as Wayne Dyer would say, and then the things you look at change.

People get tunnel vision and think there is only one way or one path or they think they have looked at every path. In truth, there are always other alternatives.

Journal Exercise: Where am I creating limited vision in my life? How can I expand how I see this? What would change if I expanded?

Another miracle is when you reframe what is happening. Let’s say you are in a rut and having a miserable day and you talk to someone who is battling one of the big things in life and yet, they are hopeful, happy, and peaceful. Instantly, you are aware of all the joy and blessings in your own day.

Journal Exercise: Choose one thing that feels like an obstacle for you right now and reframe it. You notice more miracles when you master your mindset.

Anything is possible. Life is limitless. It expands when we expand. It contracts when we contract. The more you love, the more you forgive, the more you do your own version of your jubilant, joy-filled happy dance, the more you will see your daily miracles. Expect miracles. What is your miracle today?

Next, How to Master Your Mindset During the Holidays

The quality and experience of your holidays are directly related to how you think. If you want to have a magical holiday season, focus on mastering your mindset, and then everything else falls into place. How you think determines your perception, therefore your reality. So if you want to change your reality, it starts with your thinking. During the festive holiday season, it is likely that your activity level will increase. Falling into thinking traps becomes so easy when you are busy and distracted. You might forget to do the things that keep you centered.

When you step away from your center, ego takes over. Suddenly, you are insulted and angry because people don’t say thank you, or the person in line ahead or behind you is rude. You feel like your colleagues don’t appreciate you. You forget that people are human and not perfect. Your happiness dips and you may slide into overwhelm.

You have the power to choose your responses. You can choose to pause before you speak or act. You can also use “the pause” to adjust your thinking. For example, when someone doesn’t say thank you, you pause and reframe the situation. Maybe that person is distracted, stressed, or worried. Maybe you can do nice things without depending on being thanked.

Your happiness does not depend on anyone else’s reaction.

Happiness is a decision. You can choose to be happy. You can make that choice without it being contingent on job offers, money, status, relationships. etc.

Your view of success is a thought choice, too. When I coach people, I foster the idea that you are a successful writer, actor, coach, healer, or business person before the book gets published, the role is landed, or the clients come in.

Inner peace is also a choice. You can have inner peace even if there is chaos around you.

Master your mindset even when you are incredibly busy by:

  • Hitting your thought reset button when you feel like you are off your inner game.  This starts with a pause, and then you can even mentally or actually say, “I reset. I choose to think…(fill in the blank)”.
  • Practicing compassion for others. A little love and understanding go along way.
  • Practicing patience. Deep breaths help. Doing a body scan and noticing muscle tension will help. When you notice tense muscles, mentally say, “Relax, let go.”
  • Search for the better feeling thought. Even thinking I want to feel better helps move you toward higher energy thoughts.

Focus on seeing the miracles in your life and creating a powerful mindset and get ready for more joy, bliss, and inner peace. Please share some daily miracles you have experienced in the comment section.

What is the 5 Days of Joy and Bliss Event?

It’s that time of year on my blog where I post every day for 5 days with inspiration, motivation, blessings, and strategies for you as you live each day of your amazing life and as you create your own unique path to success. 

Please join my free Facebook group and comment on each day’s blog.

You can comment on the Facebook group and/or the blog. Every time you comment or share the day’s blog on social media your name will go into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card (up to ten entries per person per day). The drawing will be held after the 5-day event is over on Dec 20.


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Sheri Kaye Hoff Headshot

Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Transformational Business Coach known for inspiring, intuition, vision, and massive action, and being a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create transformational change. Sheri is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying and has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success. Learn More About Sheri

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Expect Miracles and Master Your Mindset Now

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach and Author Sheri Kaye Hoff is known for inspiring heart and soul-based success and is a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and a thriving mindset in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling; Sheri inspires people to do the work they love. She uses spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She has overcome nearly dying and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success.

4 thoughts on “Expect Miracles and Master Your Mindset Now

  1. Hi Sheri
    I love your writing.
    My favorite in this post was The more you love the more your forgive” Those words spoke to me. Thank you.
    I appreciate you.

  2. A daily miracle/mindset shift for me was when I decided that the woman who is now one of my best friends (for decades) might just be looking for friends, like I was, in college, and not as aloof as I first thought her to be. I followed her home (like a lost puppy), to her table in the dining hall, and we’ve been friends ever since.

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