Discover Your Inner Peace Reset with Mary Allen
Sunset with Headshots of Mary Allen and Sheri Hoff

Who doesn’t need and want more inner peace? Sometimes it may seem that inner-peace is out of reach, but my guest, Mary Allen, has a way of bringing you back to center with practical techniques. Mary is one of my favorite people on the planet. We met over ten years ago and she is the person who inspired me to keep doing what I am doing today. In today’s podcast, you will feel lighter, energized, and more centered.

Podcast Player with Headshot of Mary Allen

Mary Allen, CPCC, MCC is known to many as America’s Inner Peace Coach, author of The Power of Inner Choice, and host of Conversations with the Masters interviewing best-selling authors, speakers, and coaches including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Byron Katie, Debbie Ford, and countless others. For over 22 years, her diverse high achieving clientele includes business owners, entrepreneurs, moms, coaches, and even a couple of billionaires.  She helps people get out of their own way and enjoy exponentially more inner peace by transforming distracting stressors, achieving their goals, and embodying their highest self.  Mary offers one-on-one coaching, leads the 5-day Inner Peace Immersion Retreat, and has produced numerous home-study audio programs including “5 Minutes to Inner Peace” and “Secrets to Profound Peace and Soaring Success” among others. Mary is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin (Madison), and both CTI and Coach U.  All her formal training, results, and client recommendations have earned her the accreditation of Master Certified Coach (MCC) awarded to the top 1% of coaches.  Mary loves veggie smoothies and yoga. She lives in Laguna Niguel, CA with her husband John, and is a mother of 8-year-old twins.

Show Notes


Sheri: There is so much to talk about when it comes to Inner peace. What are some of the things that people seem to really struggle with when it comes to inner peace?


Mary: That’s part of the challenge with inner peace is there’s a gazillion ways that it can get interrupted. But we can hone right in on, by asking what all those disruptors have in common?  Resistance. We have so much resistance to all the different things around us, whether it’s an annoying person, whether it’s how we judge ourselves, resistance to our own strengths, resistance to what we hear in the news, resistance to this opinion, or that opinion, resistance even to our own goals, resistance to taking on too much or taking too little. I think that’s part of the problem with the lack of inner peace is that there are many ways for it to be disrupted.  We get lost in the emotion of it all.

Inner Peace and Change


Sheri: When people are on the verge of a big change. Suddenly, ego steps in and manufacturers, all these events and sequences to make things difficult and painful. What would you say, for people who are pursuing a big goal and then get that fear and panic that is a big-time inner peace disrupter?


Mary: Have compassion for all those emotions, for being in the feels, for having the crappy thoughts that are sabotaging us, that is the place to start. I go there too, sometimes, as well. And what begins to get me out of that is the compassion for our humanity, first and foremost. And then, we get to reset, we get to begin again, we get to come back to what’s important, what are we really trying to accomplish? Why are we trying to accomplish it? We want to get ourselves back into that place of inner peace, at least to a larger degree than when we’re in the throes and the fits of it. Compassion is one of those ways that begin to reconnect us into the here and the now into this reality into this present moment. And this is where we get tapped into our intuition, we can get more resourceful, we get more creative, and we are more willing to act. Starting with compassion, and then taking those extra steps to ground our sense of peace, so that your own guidance can begin to pull you out of it, or getting outside help and support. And it’s why many of us have coaches, even the coaches have coaches.

Sheri 07:36

Sometimes the mistaken belief about inner peace is that people have a tendency to think of it as passive. But to me, inner peace is, in some ways, the most active thing that you do, because chaos is easy, and reacting is the easy road. And the path to peace takes deliberation, a willingness to grow and look at things differently.  When you have people say something like, well, I don’t care too much about inner peace, I just want to make money or I just want to hit that next goal. And then I’ll think about inner peace.  What do you say when people have those thoughts/


The Importance and Impact of Inner Peace

Mary: Well, for starters, I totally understand. Back in the day, I had a girlfriend of mine who was all on this bandwagon about making inner peace your number one goal, and I literally was doing the real thing in my head, “inner peace , inner shmeesh.”  I am a Type A person as well. And I thought, yeah, who’s interested in inner peace? But then I had back-to-back breakups. I moved.  And I was in debt, I was trying to work and grow my business, and suddenly inner peace started sounding a lot juicier and more exciting. And that was really my first turning point with inner peace. And as I began to work, kind of getting excited and digging deeper. And, and having the transformations. Ultimately what happened, over time, I started making inner peace a priority. And this is when everything turned around in my life, I went from 60,000 in debt to 35,000 in savings in nine months, I started launching a leading group coaching program which boosted my income, well over six figures, I wrote my first book, The Power of Inner Choice. And I, I met my husband. Everything really came when this place of peace became really well-grounded. And I will say this as well, because I get this a lot, with talking about inner peace is I have several friends who have said, you know, Mary, I just do not get the inner peace thing. And then they will come back to me, sometimes it is a year later, sometimes it’s a month later. Inner peace is about alignment. It’s about aligning with ourselves, it’s about aligning with others, and it’s aligning with reality. And when we are square in that alignment, we can make our choices and allow our inspiration to flow.

Taking Care of Tolerations


Sheri: I know one of your big things, with inner peace is about how you live everyday life. When I read your book, one of the things that stuck with me is you ask the question, what are you tolerating? I think sometimes we tolerate things, and we don’t realize what a drain it is on our inner peace, and if we just take care of some of those tolerations that is a simple way to add a lot of peace to our days.  Can you talk a little bit about tolerations? And what they are and how people can notice them and clean them up? And what difference it makes?


Yes, tolerations are one of my favorite topics. And a toleration is simply something that you have been avoiding, putting off. It can be a little tasky item, like changing a light bulb that has gone out to getting the oil changed in your car to a button that is missing from your favorite blouse, right? But every time you think about that, it is a little mini energy zapper, right. And most of us have lots of those. Not all conscious, right?  We are sort of holding them somewhere in the background, but it adds up into a place of stress because we know that something is missing or not getting taken care of.  What we want to do with tolerations is first and foremost is we want to do a download, we want to grab our notepad and just literally go around our house, sit in our office, just get into what are all the little tasks, the things that need to get done? What are some of the maintenance things that need to get done, what are some of the big ones like not having inner peace or having an over flooded inbox? But once we get clear on what the big tolerations are, first off, we have relief there. But then we can commit to tackling one to five tolerations a week as we are going throughout our regular day. And the result over time is that we free up so much energy, and so much of that unconscious resistance, the natural result is more inner peace. I love it because we get that quick result. As soon as you get a closet, reorganized that you’ve been putting off or the drawer that in your office that every time you open it, zaps the energy or there are many little examples, I’m sure. People might be saying, I don’t want to think about my tolerations. But now take them and pull out that sheet of paper right now. Write them down, and you do not have to do them all now. But start chipping away at them one at a time.


Sheri:  I like how you said that it gives you that quick result. And those kinds of things do give you a dopamine hit. It is that feeling of completion, it’s better than a candy bar. And, and a lot of times, we just do not even realize how much the environment affects us.


There were two things that I tolerated, one was an uncomfortable office chair, and the other one was my mattress was not comfortable. And I only had it a year and I thought, well I can’t just get one year out of my mattress. Then, I wondered how much it was really affecting me. I ordered a new chair, and I ordered an awesome mattress topper. I felt so much better.

Mary, I appreciate that the work that you do is on the simplest of levels but also that you go deep and have people think through some pretty heavy stuff, but you do it in a way that doesn’t feel so overwhelming.  I love your Facebook group and and of course I love and adore you and your cute adorable twins and you’re just you’re such a light in the coaching world. The world is lucky to have you.  What is the inner peace reset?

An Inner Peace Reset


Mary: Inner peace reset is a six-week group coaching program that offers a framework to help you claim inner peace as your new normal in challenging times and long beyond. Especially because of the pandemic, everybody’s life got turned upside down in one way shape, or form whether it was the lockdowns or having to do distance learning or pivoting in business. And that was a good example of how many of us needed to reset. I kept feeling like okay, well, when are we going back to normal? And, yet, we’re continuing to do life.  I created an inner peace reset to allow, in a very systematic, six-step way where you can reset when you need a big reset…But if you think about it every day, even many multiple times throughout the day, we’ve got to reset. We get a bad piece of news, something that jars us, maybe we hear something in the news that deflates our balloon. Somebody says something, or beliefs crop up in your head, and all of a sudden, you’re feeling just super stuck.  We need a systematic way to get back to our place of inner peace, whether it’s daily, weekly, or in those times when we need a more major reset. And that’s what inner peace reset is. It’s an easy framework for you to take with you for a lifetime to always be able to reference back. And in addition to the six modules, there is also access to me for group coaching.  


Sheri: That program just sounds so delicious. For our listeners today, are there some things that people can do instantly to get grounded and centered and feel a little bit more peaceful?


Mary: Yes. One of my favorite is simply breathing. And very specifically, it’s taking a deep breath in, holding for a count of 4




then exhale,


and drop your shoulders.


And then we can do it again. Take a deep breath in. Hold,1234 exhale, drop your shoulders. How are feeling right now Sheri?


Sheri: Reallygood.


Mary: Exactly, exactly. And when we are stressed, or even if it is subtle anxiety, or whatever it is, we unconsciously hold our breath. And that little breathing exercise helps us come back into alignment with our breath and back into the present moment. I learned this on the top of a 30-foot trapeze platform. I climbed up to the top and for some reason, my legs were uncontrollably shaking. I am trying to do the mind over matter business. And I like this challenge of finding inner peace at any moment. And it was not working. And the instructor at the top had me do that simple breathing exercise. I am getting ready to hold on to is a little teeny bar and leap. And I could not believe how well it worked.


Mary: That’s a great example of something quick and fast. Another quick, fast one is writing down 25 things you are grateful for. It’s been shown it’s scientifically impossible to be in a state of gratitude and depressed at the same time.


Mary: We watched Dances with Wolves on our family movie night. And, to see Kevin Costner, literally being out in the middle of the prairie, living in an abandoned camp all alone with only supplies and no hot running water. And my daughter makes the comment of “Mom, I’m really glad that I wasn’t born at that time.” (It’s the simple things).


Sheri: I was in ICU over five years ago for about a week. And after about five, six days, I kept saying, Can I please have a shower? and they did not want to unhook everything. And I kept hearing No. When I could finally take a shower, I think it felt like one the happiest moments of my life to just have water running down my body.


Mary: Yes, and since we are talking about being in the shower, we will throw in one other quick strategy to find peace very quickly. And that is getting really present and the shower has always been one of my favorites, I have got this idea called Now Practices, which is in my book, The Power of Inner Choice, where it basically helps you amplify the feelings of being present. One of those is engaging the senses and getting fully connected and present is also one of those rapid ways to drop yourself back into peace.


Sheri: You have just delivered so much here and so much value. If people want to learn more about you, Mary, what is the best place? How can they do that?


The best place is to connect with me on my website, there is a free gift: Five Keys to Inner Peace Now which is in both eBook and audio format depending on your favorite way to listen and enjoy my Facebook group. Sheri mentioned Inner Peace on Purpose, my Facebook group, which is a fantastic community. We have got daily questions to bring about inner peace and expand awareness, daily quotes and Facebook Lives, and a whole lot more. I hope you will connect with us there as well.


Sheri: Mary, before we go, what is the one or two takeaways that you want people to leave here with today?


Mary: I think the very, the biggest one is that you can affect your inner peace. You are not just subject to whatever is going on in the external world or your internal mind. You can do big things, little things, to allow yourself to be more in alignment with yourself, with others, with reality, that you can go after what you want to do, creating your business, living a fulfilling life, having the relationships you want. You can 100% affect your inner peace and it is so worth it.

The Sheri Kaye Hoff Show for Living Joyfully in your Biz and Life. Create More Freedom, Happiness, and Success. Sheri is a business coach, consultant, mindset mastery expert, and personal development, expert. She is a best-selling author of transformational books and a near-death survivor. She is a noted radio show guest, keynote speaker, and workshop leader. Sheri uses a coaching approach that is action-oriented, intuitive, inspiring, and energy-boosting. She lives in beautiful Colorado and is married (for over 25 years) with three children, three step-children, and four grandchildren. Sheri loves inspiring happiness, family dinners, dancing, football, golf, wine, the beach, and the mountains. You can also listen to the podcast by saying “Alexa, play the Sheri Kaye Hoff Show” This podcast is syndicated globally including your favorite podcast player and is available on youtube

Sheri Kaye Hoff Headshot

Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Transformational Business Coach known for inspiring, intuition, vision, and massive action, and being a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create transformational change. Sheri is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying and has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success. Learn More About Sheri

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Discover Your Inner Peace Reset with Mary Allen

Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach and Author Sheri Kaye Hoff is known for inspiring heart and soul-based success and is a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and a thriving mindset in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling; Sheri inspires people to do the work they love. She uses spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She has overcome nearly dying and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success.

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