Can You Really Manifest Whatever You Want?

Can You Really Manifest Whatever You Want?

The short answer is Yes you can manifest whatever you want, and it’s fun. It’s an adventure. It’s spiritual. Manifesting (bringing something from a thought, goal, or desire into your reality) is surprisingly simple. It comes down to getting clear (making a decision- making a choice), lining up with the vibe (feeling what it’s like to have it or do it, taking action steps that move you in the right direction, letting go (detaching) and deciding to be present and happy right now. However, your belief system can get in the way of each one of these elements of manifesting- including your belief about how open you are to receiving (Do you really believe you deserve it?) If you don’t believe you are worth it, that’s okay (no judgment zone), and you aren’t “doing anything wrong”. You can gently shift and love yourself the entire time as you discover how to manifest what you want. It’s a journey. It’s all good.

Getting Clear

Getting clear sometimes sounds like an ideal but what does it really mean? I’ve coached a lot of people over the last fifteen years, and one thing that I hear when I ask is, What are your goals? One of the top responses is I want to make more money and do inspiring work that I love. This is awesome, but then when we go deeper, I ask, “How much money?” Or What work is inspiring to you?” Very few people have an answer. I am usually met with a giant pause. So if most want more money and to do something inspiring, why is it so hard to get more specific?

From experience with clients, that answer is often related to beliefs that you can’t have what you really want (the compromise, the settling, the it’s good enough). So if you can’t have it, why not avoid disappointment and avoid getting clear? The ego mind works hard to protect you. Make a decision and choose to open your heart and mind to facing anything that is in the way with no judgment. You could say, “I am noticing this. Am I willing to let it go and replace this with a different thought and feeling?” Keep notes. When I am getting clear and encouraging clients to get clear, I view this process as a series of decisions. I decided I am… (taking the trip, doing the interview, booking x number of clients, making x amount of money, getting the raise, etc.) Not only this first decision but deciding what it looks like. (I design my business with complete freedom of schedule, so i have plenty of time for trips, fun, family, friends, hobbies, rest, reading, and donating whatever I want). You can even do this on a micro level- I choose to go to dinner with friends, with beautiful conversations, delicious food, beautiful service, and lots of love. I choose to have family dinners where everyone feels heard, accepted, and loved.

Line Up With the Vibe

Feel the feelings of what it’s like to do or have the thing. You might visualize, journal, and script the scene with all of the feelings, sights, and sounds, and/or go someplace that gets you in a high vibration. Where is your special place? I have a few: the Caribbean, Clearwater Beach, any beach, the Mountains, Grizzly Creek, a neighborhood golf course, beautiful cathedrals, the Four Seasons, The Ivy, sitting in front of a fireplace, listening to music, going for a drive in the countryside, and more. Act as if. What would I be doing if I were (fill in the blank). If you start to feel the vibe and then get stressed or worried, notice why it’s there- what belief is triggered. Gently reframe. Keep practicing this but keep it light and fun.

Take Action Steps

I love relaxed, inspired action steps. It’s not about doing more, putting in more hours, hustling, or grinding. Inspired action comes from being connected to your inner voice and divine guidance. This guidance comes from first asking questions. What is the next right action? Or lead me, guide me, show me the way. I also like the simple “What’s next?” Then listen. Answers will pop. The answers could be a gut feeling or a knowing. Often I hear a voice in my head (no it’s not an actual sound but it is a clear direction that is different from my own random thoughts that come up or my own thoughts that occur through thinking and problem-solving.) Take those inspired action steps.

Letting Go and Detachment

Feedback from clients and my community tells me that letting go and detaching can be a struggle. When you get clear and decide what you want, and take the action, you really want it. Sometimes that feeling of really wanting borders on desperation and is backed by a general feeling of lack of worry that you can’t have it. Help yourself let go by saying something like, “This or something better.” “I set it free.” Part of letting go is also letting go of grudges and hurts. This starts with being willing. If you have a hard time with letting go, repeat, I am willing to let go; I am willing to forgive.

Deciding to Be Present and Happy Right Now

Happiness happens right here right now in the present while you are living your life. I am not talking about pretending to be happy, but noticing and feeling thankful and appreciative. A happy present focused life is a decision. You might say, but I am depressed. I can relate I have struggled with depression and have found that I could be both happy and depressed at the same time. Some say this is not possible. My depression was overwhelming fatigue, yet I still had happy moments and high quality of life in many areas even while I was getting treatment for depression. (If you are depressed, please get professional medical help right away). I plan on writing more about my own depression but am still processing a lot of feelings and thoughts about it.

See the good. Even seeing the value in the uncomfortable moments. These happy vibes are high vibes. A strange phenomenon is how I can be both sad and happy at the same time. To me, they are not opposites. I can grieve for a loved one and still be happy about the time we had together and happy about the people I love around me. If happiness seems like a reach right now, start with just tuning in to the moment and becoming more mindful. Last night I was sitting outside in front of the fireplace and was listening to the trees rustling and the crickets singing their symphony. I felt so grounded and present, and all was right with the world at that moment.

Journal Prompts:

What does it look like for me to get clear?

Lining up with the vibe feels like…

My action steps could be…

What makes letting go difficult for me?

Being happy right now means for me…

Notice and appreciate the progress. If you are not manifesting what you decided you want, notice what’s happening and course correct. Be flexible and allow for something better. It’s okay to change your mind. Life is full of ever-increasing self-awareness; you never arrive; you are always growing and evolving.

If you want to go deeper, check out my abundance course.

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Sheri Kaye Hoff is a Transformational Life and Business Coach known for inspiring intuition, vision action, and being a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create transformational change. Sheri is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying and has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success. Learn More About Sheri

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Sheri Kaye Hoff

Coach and Author Sheri Kaye Hoff is known for inspiring heart and soul-based success and is a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and a thriving mindset in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling; Sheri inspires people to do the work they love. She uses spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create dramatic change. She has overcome nearly dying and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success.

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