Sheri Kaye Hoff’s Blog

Expect Miracles 12 Days of Christmas Day 2

Happy Holidays and welcome to Day 2 of 12 Days of Christmas on my blog. The Event: Happy 12 days of Christmas! It’s that time of year on my blog where I post every day for 12 days with inspiration, motivation, blessings, and strategies for you as you live each day of your amazing life[…]

What Makes the Holidays Special? 12 Days of Christmas Blog Event

  Happy 12 days of Christmas! Welcome to this year’s holiday blogging event.  It’s that time of year on my blog where I post every day for 12 days with inspiration, motivation, blessings, and strategies for you as you live each day of your amazing life and as you create your own unique path to[…]

Happy Thanksgiving and a Simple Gratitude Exercise

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! I have been reflecting on the importance of gratitude for transformation. Then, over the weekend I was talking with my daughter, she was having a hard day and also a disagreement with a friend. She lamented, “No one is ever there for me.”  Immediately, I said, “I am[…]

Add more Joy, Love and the Spirit of Success

Growing a business, taking care of family, and everything else in daily life can be all-consuming. You might feel like you don’t have enough time or resources. Life turns into an exercise in keeping your head above water. Of course, you don’t feel like that every day, you have pockets of joy and moments of[…]

Let Your Joy Unfold and Become a Master of Letting Go

I took a weekend trip through the mountains on I 70. We went from Denver all the way to Grand Junction. My son was playing football in Grand Junction. He went on the bus, but my husband and two of my daughters decided to make a road trip out of the weekend. My girlfriend and[…]

Love and Kindness Matter Most During Challenges

Recently, the shootings in Las Vegas have triggered many reactions from people:  praising the heroic efforts of first responders and everyday people who helped save lives, to blaming people, to calling for gun control, to making political attacks, to calling for unity and more. When I woke up Monday morning and heard about the shootings[…]

This One Trait is a Powerful Predictor of Success

This one trait is a powerful predictor of success. What makes a person successful? Can one trait determine success above all others? I have been studying success, happiness, and leadership for almost three decades and I would love it if it were as simple as on trait. Success in life has many contributing factors, but[…]

3 Steps to Managing Your Emotions During Difficult Challenges

3 Steps for Managing Your Emotions During Difficult Challenges Sometimes life gets hard. We face not just the everyday stress, but something big and unpredictable happens. That something big could be a hurricane, a sudden medical emergency, a relationship in crisis or something else.  Your world is rocked. Life gets tense and confusing. How can[…]

Expert Ideas for Creating a Successful Mindset

Mindset matters. Your inner game determines the actions that you take each day. When you keep your thoughts and actions going in the direction of fulfillment of your deepest desires, dreams, and goals, you unlock your potential for success. I gathered a group of successful people with different professional backgrounds and industries and asked them[…]

5 Surprisingly Simple Steps to Increase Your Abundance

Living abundantly is a state of mind. Living abundantly is a choice. Create an abundant and prosperous mindset through daily focus and loving the present moment. A huge key to abundance is being open to receiving. Notice if you feel open to the good things and thoughts that are coming your way. Can you accept[…]

Grow Your List with this Collaborative Technique

Are you looking for new ways to grow your list? Or do you wonder why it is important to grow your list in the first place? I actually hear this one a lot. New biz owners will comment that they don’t understand why they need a list when they are active on social media. Or[…]

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