
Our wonderful clients are the reason we’re in business. Here are some of the great things they’ve said about us.

We’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re a satisfied customer, too


I’m so grateful for the work that Sheri does, and for her example. The Art of Attracting Abundance and Prosperity came to me at the perfect time – a time when I was working… fighting with myself, really… to get back into that place of Massive Prosperity that I’ve existed in at various times in my life, but never seem to be able to rest in, permanently.

I was upset, frustrated with myself, and feeling lost, because.. what? WHAT was I missing… STILL???

Working through this program (which I extended over days to give me time to sit with the work) took me to deeper levels of myself than I’ve touched before, bringing up deeply embedded belief programs that I didn’t even know were there, from my very early childhood!!

Once I worked through those things, while also tapping specifically around lasting, stable, easy, and fun Cash Abundance – because I’m already hugely abundant in every other way, thankfully – it’s like a tap was turned on! Ideas for calling in Cash while I sleep, with ease and consistent never-ending flow, simply began to come non-stop. WHAT A WONDERFUL THING! WHAT A RELIEF AND RELEASE!!

I realize that I’d been out of alignment all these years with HOW I WANT to call Cash into my life – which for me is with ease and daily and residually – so there’d been an internal tug of war happening inside me. But in tapping, I’d made the decision to get EXTREMELY clear on my ask and outcomes, with the feelings behind it and with my words, and so for the FIRST TIME EVER, I’d asked for what I actually want, HOW I want it!! Sounds obvious and simple, but that clarity and FULL alignment has taken me yearsssss!!

Now I’m FREE!!!! I’m fired up, and I’m tuned in!

A deep thank you, Sheri !. ” KArima Mckenzie-Thomas, VIP Life Success Coaching


Perk up your marketing efforts, (I know I did) with Sheri’s “Relax into Attracting Clients” program. Sheri’s teaching style is simple, inspiring, fun, and powerful. Sheri is organized; an action-oriented, and dedicated coach who will support you in taking action to grow your business… Sheri provides many different types of strategies for attracting clients that make a difference and feel good. I recommend this 10-week workshop to anyone who is struggling with his or her marketing efforts and would like to have steps to be more successful, inspired and relaxed while attracting new clients.” Bonnie Gortler, Author of (affiliate) Journey to Wealth: A Practical and Mindful Approach to Growing and Sustaining Financial Well-Being  The Inspired Wealth & Well-Being Coach www.BonnieGortler.com

“Sheri Kaye Hoff made the world of owning a company come alive for me. Not only does she offer delicious action steps to make marketing and advertising more fun, she also destroys limiting beliefs and builds confidence by strengthening a business mindset. Sheri’s patience, good humour, and insights made a businesswoman of me and I’m whole-heartedly enjoying the experience. Thank you, Sheri!” Katrine Horn  Katrinehorn.com

“I had been trying for months to come up with my ideal client avatar and all I got was more and more frustrated.  In only one session Sheri helped me begin to craft my avatar.  She actually did it with me which was exactly what I needed. This is such a relief because knowing my ideal client is critical to my business success.” Ellen M.

“I started Mastermind because I was starting a new business.  I just moved to a new state and did not know anyone.  Originally, I wanted to know more about marketing, sales, business plans and marketing plans.  After a month of Mastermind I realized that I was going to get WAY more than business plans.
I can’t thank Sheri Kaye Hoff enough.  She helped me realize that I do have some fears and how to let them go – really let them go. I am ready to take inspired action without fear paralyzing me into overwhelm.  She cares so much in her special way.  This is obvious with her saying, “Does that sound like a HUGE task?  I don’t care.  I want it for you!”  It is amazing how she can care for each individual person (in mastermind) with all of our various places in life at this moment with her special brand of loving (loving what you do and who you are).  She is willing to share intimate stories in her life to give us examples that matter and that we can understand and relate to in order to move forward with our businesses.
Do you wish to feel more powerful, more in control of your business and your life?  Well then just let go of it and do it!  Join Mastermind.  I promise you will get more than you ever expected.”   Lori Ann Roth Ph.D., CPLP President, Learning and…Reflective Growth www.LARG.com www.learningand.com

“It’s hard to put into words what attending the Relax Into Attracting Clients workshop has done for both me and my business. Before I met Sheri, I was looking for a mentor who had the magic mix of the spiritual and the intensely practical. For me, Sheri strikes exactly the right balance between the two. Every time I read my notes from the course, a new and brilliant suggestion leaps out at me and inspires me anew to take action. Sheri demystifies the process of attracting clients, making it easily attainable for all attendees, whatever their business or current level of experience or confidence. At the same time, her workshops push us all further than we would ever have ventured alone, safe in the knowledge that she has been there and done that. I have already implemented many of the suggestions gleaned from this course and the positive results have shown up immediately. It has been extremely valuable to learn from the experience of the other group members and I value the camaraderie amongst the group – we are all in this together, learning and sharing as we go along. If you are looking for a clear, easy-to-follow route to growing your mailing list and finding more customers and clients with practical exercises, inspired action steps, expert advice and a high level of encouragement and support then look no further!” Vivienne Smith, Author, Presenter and Transformational Coach. The Single Mum’s Survival Guide – How to Pick Up The Pieces and Build a Happy New Life


“Working with Sheri has been incredibly powerful for me! In the past I struggled with being unfocused, scattered, confused about my next steps; but with the help of Sheri and her magical wisdom, I created a plan that works for me and that feels good. Sheri doesn’t lead you through some cookie cutter program, she helps you to create your business on your terms, and in a way that feels right to you. It’s refreshing to to work with someone who understands that your business can be designed any way you dream it to be. And with Sheri’s help, it’ll be successful. I highly recommend Sheri to anyone who is wanting to build a highly successful business while having fun doing it! Maryann Candito, Author of the book I’m Losing It! 7 Steps to Jump Off the Diet Roller coaster, Release Weight, and Be In Charge Over Food. Helping sensitive, free-spirited people ditch diets for good, release weight naturally and intuitively, and take back their life! 


“Within the first 10 months of working with Sheri, I doubled my  income and was able to leave my job and work my business full-time. I’d not thought it was possible, but with Sheri guiding me I began realizing my potential and recognizing that my goal was easy to achieve with the correct action steps. And, it keeps getting better. My first full month at home, I broke a record and doubled what I was making in both my job and my business! I know as I continue to grow and work with Sheri that I will achieve more and more and touch others’ lives as well.” Jennifer Owenby, International Best Selling Fiction Author, Owner ONB Resume Services


“I adore Sheri. She has been a strong guiding force for me. The clarity, wisdom and support that I have gained from working with Sheri has been amazingly valuable to me. Bringing Sheri into my life is one of the smartest things I have ever done. Boy do I love this woman! Thank you Sheri, I continue to grow each day!” Joanna Sanchez, Actor, Award Winning Producer, Writer, and Coach


“Sheri is generous in sharing her wisdom. For those who prefer the written word, Sheri has written many books on how to live a successful and joyful life. However, words are a small percentage of communication and Sheri enriches the lives of all who listen to her podcasts and web conferences. She blends together her business leadership and teaching experience with personal life lessons to encourage and enlighten her clients lives. Interactive sessions will increase your awareness of what is required to gain clarity and rapidly move forward. Sheri is an excellent, relate-able mentor and coach who is interested in your success.Doug Jarvie


“Starting a new business is daunting. Having an accomplished coach who has been down the same road to patiently and whole-heartedly share their expertise is crucial. That’s what I found in my coaching with Sheri. Her combination of business savvy, warmth, and ability to dissolve limiting beliefs make her an exceptional coach. I highly recommend her services to anyone ready to grow their business in a more conscious and relaxing way.” Monique Evans, Caregiver Coach, inspiring caregivers to live with less stress and more joy


“I contacted Sheri Hoff because I wanted to bring my practice to the next level. I needed a business coach who was not only going to be able to see my business in a new light, but really help me see my vision through and help me discover my untapped potential.  Sheri is a supportive, intuitive and brilliant business coach. Working with Sheri has been and amazing choice for me and my business. She consistently shows up for you every step of the way. ” Annika Brindley, The Awakened Parenting Coach and Owner of Little Sleepers 


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