If you are a multi-passionate person, when do you know when it’s time to add, delete, or create in your life? I posed this question to several leadership experts, and one of my favorite answers came from Tel Ganesan, “I know when it’s time to change something when I feel I have lost my mojo.” As I look back over my life, I notice that for me, I know I need to change something when my passion wavers. Fortunately, as a business owner, I have creative control and get to design my life and business. Sometimes things get too comfortable, though and I might not recognize the moment for change. Then, how do I know? The surprising thing for me is it can show up as depression.
Throughout my life, I have experienced a few bouts of depression, so the challenge is to recognize what depression is and what my soul is nudging me to change. Depression is a serious illness, if you wonder if you are depressed, please see a medical professional/therapist. I recognize the difference in myself through journaling and reflection. Am I depressed? Or am I on the verge of a new breakthrough in my life and business? What does this mean for me? I have learned to embrace both. I love and accept myself through both depression and a desire for new growth and change. All of our experiences are part of the journey.
Here are some additional signals your soul wants change in your life, career, work or business.
- You struggle to be in the present moment. Are you obsessed with the past or only thinking about the future?
- You experience fatigue even when you are well rested.
- Burnout symptoms occur. (feelings of self-doubt, failure, headaches, etc)
- You are settling and pretending everything is okay.
- You don’t feel inspired or motivated.
- You feel fear or stuck.
- You aren’t doing the work you want.
- You feel restless and want more purpose in your life
- You haven’t made a change in awhile
- A project or goal has reached completion (Examples: you ran that marathon, you wrote the book, you finished a degree, your business is running on autopilot and doesn’t need you as much)
5 Signs it’s Time for a Life Change
There is high value in recognizing change signals because you will keep growing, expanding, learning, and living filled with purpose. One of the key aspects of my life journey has been my willingness to follow my heart and my gut. I listen to my passions and my intuitive guidance. Every major career change or business change has evolved from this willingness. I also love the mantra – all is well. All is well during the lead-up to change and the change process. It’s part of this wonderful thing called life. Sometimes it’s exhilarating, sometimes it’s frustrating, sometimes it’s comfortable, sometimes it’s too comfortable, and you can practice love, joy, and acceptance through it all.
Recently, I held a training session for my Inner Circle Group on this topic. You can listen here:
Did you know that I designed my Living Your Vision Course for living life on your terms and fulfilling passion and purpose? More Info Here.

Sheri Kaye Hoff, is a Transformational Business Coach known for inspiring, intuition, vision, and massive action, and being a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy, and profits in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling. She uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate blocks and create transformational change. Sheri is a business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert. She has overcome nearly dying and has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success. Learn More About Sheri
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