Work Less, Achieve More, Be Happier and More Abundant

Work Less, Achieve More. You will be Happier and More Abundant You may have a belief floating around that says, “The harder I work, the more successful I am.” So you work harder and harder, get burned out, and then get frustrated when you don’t feel happier and more abundant. What’s wrong with hard work?[…]

Keys to Successful Communication with Internal Teams

Keys to Successful Communication with Internal Teams Author and Senior Executive Pete Devenyi and I discuss the key ingredients to successful communication with yourinternal team during this podcast episode of The Sheri Kaye Hoff Show. You’ll learn:• Some of the methods he used to get to know his employees andbuild strong teams, even when he[…]

Secrets to High Performance Leadership from Fast Growing Companies

Ever wish you could CLONE YOURSELF? / Clone Yourself:  Secrets to High-Performance Leadership from Fast-Growing Companies A lot of leaders and entrepreneurs feel like everything in their lives would work if only they could make a copy or two of themselves.  Explore the interesting, practical, and sometimes surprising secrets to high performance taken from fast-growing[…]

How to Know When It’s Time for Change

If you are a multi-passionate person, when do you know when it’s time to add, delete, or create in your life? I posed this question to several leadership experts, and one of my favorite answers came from Tel Ganesan, “I know when it’s time to change something when I feel I have lost my mojo.”[…]

Discover You Can Change Your Attitude Change Your Life

Discover the power of journaling, positive intelligence, and attitude with my guest Dr. Lori Ann Roth. Listen here: Lori Ann Roth, Ph.D., CPTD, is the President of Learning and… Reflective Growth that specializes in Training and Coaching. Her favorite saying is “be your best you!”. Dr. Roth has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Communication and a master’s degree in Adult[…]

How to Improve Sales, Leadership, and Corporate Culture

Learn more about Sales, leadership, strong corporate culture, telemarketing outsourcing, and becoming successful in conflict management strategies with clients with CEO Richard Blank. With a mix of motivational public speaking styles backed by tactful and appropriate rhetoric, Richard shared his knowledge and trained over 10 000 bilingual telemarketers and became CEO of Costa Rica Call[…]

How to Thrive No Matter What

Happy, happy day! Sending love to you. I felt compelled to reach out after one of my Facebook friends posted that she cried when she filled up her gas tank. You probably have heard or even said something similar about the current economy. There is actually an economic index that measures fear in our society.[…]

More Peace, Joy and Love in Your Life

Day 3 of the 5 Days of Joy and Bliss Experiencing love is the pinnacle of humanity. Everyone benefits from love and compassion. Lack of love can even cause health and emotional problems. Throughout my coaching career, a common thread I have heard expressed is a feeling of there not being enough love or nurturing[…]

A Simple Exercise for More Joy and Bliss in Your Life

Every year during the holiday season, I host an event on my blog. This year it is Five Days of Joy and Bliss. Each day, for five days, we will feature tools and tips to help you experience more joy and bliss this holiday season and into 2022.  Please comment on the blog posts, and/or[…]

Discover the Soul of Your Business Exclusive

Amidst all the business advice and information out there, have you ever felt overwhelmed or thought- “There must be a different, simpler, or better way?” My guest, Jennifer Urezzio talks about refreshing ideas and approaches when she discusses how to discover the soul of your business on our recent podcast episode of The Sheri Kaye[…]

Changing the Perception of Immigration

These days, you cannot turn on the news channels without hearing about immigration. Much of the news focus is on undocumented immigrants and frankly, much of the messaging is negative. I sat down to speak with Armelle Cloche, the found of Super Immigrant, and our conversation revolved around the positive power of immigration and how[…]

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Guest Christine Daspro

Find out: Why professionals have and or experience imposter syndrome. What imposter syndrome looks like, feels like, sounds like.  Most common ways it shows up. Imposter syndrome identifiers and some key tools with my guest Christine Daspro with 30 years experience on Wall Street and 15 years of mentoring and coaching professionals. Listen Here Christine Daspro brings[…]

How to Connect with Extraordinary Successful Women Biz Owners

This new podcast episode with guest Meghann Conter, CEO of the Dames, is full of business networking advice for women that is unconventional, full of joy, and it works. Meghann Conter uses her power to connect, elevate, entertain, and celebrate extraordinary women as the CEO of The Dames, a global community designed specifically for women running[…]

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