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The INSPIRE Course for Biz Growth

by Sheri Kaye Hoff, author of Relax Into Inspired Action

INSPIRE is a spiritual and practical approach for business growth with a plan for scaling,  making a bigger impact, creating magic, and manifesting miracles in your life. This program is about transformation in your business and life.

Is INSPIRE for You?

Imagine If You Could: Do what you love, and Create the thriving business you want in less time?  

What if you could...

Be in a consistent, inspiring, creative flow, with new ideas turning into successful products and services?

Say goodbye to stress, fear, time-wasters, and worry while trusting your intuition?  

Experience more joy, magic, and miracles in your daily life? While leading with love?  

Start reaching more people with your message and your services?  

Follow a clear, organized planning and action strategy that frees up your time and increases your profits?  

Build a loyal community of optimal clients? 

You can do all these things. INSPIRE helps you create magic and miracles in your life and biz.  

You started your business for powerful reasons. But are you making profits that reflect the life-changing services and products you’re offering?  

What if you leveraged your time and offerings so you work fewer hours and make more money? Would that make a difference in your business and quality of life?  

In the INSPIRE Group, We practice thinking big and implementing practical daily steps.  

It starts with a win-the-day mindset.  

This hybrid approach of mindset, high energy vibration, and ultra-practical tools and steps, works!  

How many hours a day do you spend worrying about your business or how to make more money?  

What if you could free up your time, make more money, and learn new thinking and skills that take your business into the future?  

This desire to create change is powerful... And I really want to help you grow and live your life to the fullest.  

INSPIRE is for you.  

INSPIRE is designed for you if you are a business owner who wants to fast-track your growth and know you need to shift and transform your business.  

The secret of INSPIRE? Every business (and business owner!) is different, and your business should fulfill your unique needs and goals.  

And you also already have your own great ideas that are just waiting to be revealed. 

INSPIRE will help you uncover your own inner business guru, too. Access the answers within.  

I started my business in 2007 because I wanted to create positive change for people, and I wanted more freedom, happiness, and success in my life.  

I soon found that if I let it, my business could be overwhelming and draining. I struggled whenever I felt like I didn't know the next step or didn’t have the support I needed. I went through several stages of growth that were a mix of excitement and stress.  

Then, I made a conscious decision that I was going to recommit to the reasons I’d started the business in the first place: helping business owners just like you to have more freedom, happiness, and success  

...and that I would make sure that I also practiced excellent self-care and treated myself with kindness, too.  

Through following my own unique processes that I developed, I found a way to have the business growth I wanted and stay relaxed and happy.  

INSPIRE can help you do the same with your business.  

I’m going to show you how to craft and structure your clear path. I’ll also show you how to create the business and lifestyle you want. I will be by your side.  

By the time the program is over, you’ll be able to relax into making more money and live and breathe your highest vision of your life—so you can be the best version of yourself.  

Who is INSPIRE for? INSPIRE is a YES FOR YOU if you fit a few or more of these criteria:  

  • You are serious about growing your business and you are an action taker and decision-maker. Yet you still want to have fun with your biz.  
  • You love a spiritual approach to growing your business and more optimal clients, scaling, or expanded business services and products.  
  • You want to be crystal clear about who your business serves (your optimal client) and the pinnacle outcome (results) that your customers or clients get when they work with you.  
  • You want your marketing to be effective and congruent with who you are.  
  • You want a path from lead to client/customer that makes sense.  
  • You love being able to get all of your questions answered and you want some accountability so you stay on track.  
  • You love a mix of mindset, spiritual, and practical biz growth tools.  
  • You are ready and willing to be coached and to learn, grow and change.  
  • You crave a relaxed, happy life and a successful business. You want to live life to the fullest.  
  • You are a solopreneur or have a small team (less than 10). Your current business sales are 0 ( you are a start-up or rebranding) up to 7 figures (you have been in business for a while but want more growth).  
  • Your business is coaching, consulting, service-based, creative (artist or boutique retail or wholesale), online, writing books (non-fiction or fiction), or professional.  

INSPIRE is NOT for you if:  

  • You are looking for a cookie-cutter method for growing your business.    
  • You don't need the support.  
  • You don't want to save time by fast-tracking your business.  
  • You don't want to invest in or commit to transforming your business. You don't need help creating a successful business mindset.
  • You have over 10 employees and/or well over multi 7 figures in sales. (Check with me to see if a private coaching package or team building coaching would be the right fit).  


NEW The INSPIRE coaching method focuses on telling a compelling story, creating new beliefs, stepping into inspired action, living and leading your life from love, reaching your true people, and powering up your energy and enthusiasm. And we will use my CNBN (Create New Beliefs Now) method to shift your deepest beliefs to a higher level.


Get crystal clear: offer products and services that ring with authenticity, make sense, and make a difference for your optimal clients. Know your purpose and unique position in the market. Define your optimal clients. Refine and discover new areas of expertise. Work with your strengths and turn weaknesses into opportunities.  

Find the pricing and profits that feel natural and help you relax into your business. Look at where you’re leaving money on the table and see additional areas to leverage and monetize.


A personalized marketing strategy. Make your marketing unique, personal, and authentic. Learn how to get hundreds or even thousands of new qualified leads and convert them into clients. Attract new clients and build a community that thrives. Create the right marketing style for you to reach your ideal clients and make more money. Learn to embrace marketing for what it really is: reaching out and building relationships. Create list-building efforts that are the right fit for your business. 


A clear plan that will make you want to dive right in. Define your optimal client, refine your niche, and streamline the results you will deliver so you can get more clients. Paint the big picture. Lay or restructure the foundation of your business. Learn how to relax into making more money. Increase your current results exponentially by working on your plan and taking inspired action steps. The right business model for you using your pinnacle outcome.


Mastery over your business mindset. Learn how to be relaxed and happy in your business. Leave worry and stress behind. Find your motivation and inspiration. Keep the passion for your biz high. Tap into your highest vibration and attract business growth with ease and flow. Have fun with your business! Design the energy of your business to align with success and profits instead of worry and fear. Create the space for powerful, exciting, and motivating new stories that will help you sail forward into increasing profits instead of making you feel like you’re stuck on a treadmill.


Smart, streamlined business systems. Maximize time, money, and productivity. Get—and stay—organized, for your peace of mind. Implement simple, effective systems to help you with list and client management, daily operations, and plan implementation. Fix what’s broken: if you have an area of your biz that’s giving you a headache, we'll create a system to help.

"Sheri Kaye Hoff made the world of owning a company come alive for me. Not only does she offer delicious action steps to make marketing and advertising more fun, she also destroys limiting beliefs and builds confidence by strengthening a business mindset. Sheri’s patience, good humor and insights made a business-woman of me and I’m whole-heartedly enjoying the experience. Thank you, Sheri!" 

Katrine Horn - Coach, TED Talk Speaker, Musician


Growth happens when you are asking the right questions, being willing to stretch your mind, your soul, and your heart. Creating growth is not about just doing more or adding more to your plate, or adding more burdens. Growth stems from freedom and happiness. Success and transformation are about finding the lightness and inspiration in your life. Growth happens when you relax into inspired action, make deliberate decisions, and find and CHOOSE solutions that deliver results.

Doing What it Takes to Help You Succeed

"I adore Sheri. She has been a strong guiding force for me. The clarity, wisdom and support that I have gained from working with Sheri has been amazingly valuable to me. Bringing Sheri into my life is one of the smartest things I have ever done. Boy do I love this woman! Thank you Sheri, I continue to grow each day!" Joanna Sanchez, Actor, Award Winning Producer, Writer, and Coach  

"We would love to welcome you into INSPIRE"  

If you are a heart-centered biz owner with a great product or service who is kind, caring, generous, a contributor, interested in growing, willing to change, and want terrific support to increase your results, join us. I would love to work with you as you create the business and life you want.  

Much Love, Sheri


Why put off growing your biz the way you want? You can enroll in INSPIRE right now and get exclusive bonuses and savings. 

Here is what is included:  

The INSPIRE Course:  

10 INSPIRE Business Growth Modules. You can go at your own pace so you can get everything you need to grow your business the way you want. Each module includes webinars, worksheets, and mp3 downloads

Unlimited Email, IM, and Text Support for six months.  

6 thirty-minute one-on-one coaching calls so we can customize a strategy for your unique business and get you growing fast.  

Plus Bonus Gift:  

Library of an additional 24 audio treasures from my Inner Circle VIP Archive



Includes 10 Modules, Unlimited texting, emailing, and messaging, plus 6 thirty-minute one-on-one coaching sessions.

Get it for

$3888 Full Pay 


spread your payments out over time.  

12 payments of $344 (every two weeks)  

Not sure which payment option you prefer? Or do you have more questions (you can check out our FAQ below or Contact Sheri to set up a virtual cup of coffee to discuss it.) The payment plan is one payment  

Get Started Today!

Full Pay  


Yes, I Am In for Full Pay >>>


Choose 12 Payments of $344 (every two weeks)

  Feedback on Sheri's courses:  

Helped me let go of needless worry and frustration.  

Fantastic marketing advice.  

Knowing that I am working on my business, not just in my business.  

I love that you share/teach a mix of mindset with real applicable marketing tools and techniques. I need both!  

I've learned that while I am still a solopreneur, I am not on my own and I can learn to delegate more.  

I love the fresh perspective you give to issues.  

"Knowing you are there for support for my business brings me an inner peace and the attitude to keep going, It's possible. "

Read testimonials here


How do I know I am ready for this?  

You are ready if you want to grow your business and you are ready to try new ideas and fine-tune some of your current ideas. You are ready if you are willing to focus on your business growth. You are willing to take action. You want change in your business. If you feel pulled and attracted to Inspire Group, you are ready, even if you have some fear. Inspire Group is for scaling your business.  

How do I know it will work for me?  

Because this course is designed with all learning styles in mind, you are given every opportunity to learn in the way that is best for you. Each webinar has a slide presentation and is available as an on-demand replay. There are worksheets to help lock in the principles. You have unlimited email access to Sheri so you can have every question answered. Your program includes one-on-one coaching- so we can customize ideas and solutions.  

When does INSPIRE start?  

You can register for INSPIRE Now.  

What kind of business benefits from this INSPIRE?  

Solopreneurs, coaches, small business owners, service businesses, creative businesses, boutique retail, online service businesses, online businesses, professionals, and more. Start-up businesses through multi 7 figures in sales.

Who does not benefit from this INSPIRE?

If you are still in the discovery place where you have no idea what business you want to start or you are unsure whether you want to start a business, this program is not for you. This is not the program for test driving or sampling or hoping for success without putting the effort into the inner game and outer game techniques that are available in this group. It's not for you if participating creates a financial hardship for you. It might be the right thing to decide to invest later on in your business journey.

As seen on: