Master Your Biz Mindset Course

Find Your Personal Best Biz Mindset. You are not born with it- you learn it!

Start Creating the Biz Growth You Want and It Starts with Your Mindset

Access to Sheri's new eCourse

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Did you know that the two most important aspects of your success are:  

1. Your personal energy level (self-care)  

2. Your thought life (your mindset).  

If you master these two, you have exponential potential. You might be thinking, I just need more strategy.  

You can create a strategy, but if you haven't mastered these two, it is unlikely you will fully implement any strategy.  

Also, if you master these two, you are in a very small group because most people will give up. it takes a relatively short amount of time (30 to 60 days), to create new ways of living and thinking (habits), but once you get past that, you will have instilled a whole new way of being. The Master Your Biz Mindset Workshop is for heart centered small biz owners, coaches, consultants and professionals who want significant biz growth without the stress and hustle. Develop your biz mindset so you can readily and easily tap your willpower, maintain positive thoughts, focus your thoughts and increase clarity, increase your daily satisfaction in your biz, let go of beliefs that no longer serve your purpose, deal with your inner critic, increase your personal power, and raise your energy vibration so it supports your goals. Are you willing to see things differently and to make positive changes?

Did you know there is a Successful Biz mindset? And few people have it. You are not born with it. You learn it.  

You have exactly the same potential for success as any successful biz person on the planet.  

I am teaching and training on these concepts in my Master Your Biz Mindset live Virtual Course with plenty of time for Q and A and it includes a one on one session with me, too. When you choose this Limited Time Offer You'll...


Your business changes when your mindset changes. It takes a different kind of mindset to successfully grow your own business. You set the goals and the pace. It is up to you. Taking great care of your mindset keeps you on your own path to success.

Take Action

Action stems from inspiration, passion, willpower, and clarity. These all come from thoughts. Learn how thoughts build action and then momentum. Implement inspired action steps. 

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Learn more about your own personal best biz mindset. See the difference your mindset makes on your results. Learn how to quickly shift your mindset. Q and A box is available on each webinar. All on demand webinars are available for download. 

What are people saying about Sheri?

"Sheri Kaye Hoff made the world of owning a company come alive for me. Not only does she offer delicious action steps to make marketing and advertising more fun, she also destroys limiting beliefs and builds confidence by strengthening a business mindset. Sheri’s patience, good humour and insights made a business woman of me and I’m whole-heartedly enjoying the experience. Thank you Sheri!" Katrine Horn

I started Mastermind because I was starting a new business. I just moved to a new state and did not know anyone. Originally, I wanted to know more about marketing, sales, business plans and marketing plans. After a month of Mastermind I realized that I was going to get WAY more than business plans. I can’t thank Sheri Kaye Hoff enough. She helped me realize that I do have some fears and how to let them go – really let them go. I am ready to take inspired action without fear paralyzing me into overwhelm. She cares so much in her special way. This is obvious with her saying, “Does that sound like a HUGE task? I don’t care. I want it for you!” It is amazing how she can care for each individual person (in mastermind) with all of our various places in life at this moment with her special brand of loving (loving what you do and who you are). She is willing to share intimate stories in her life to give us examples that matter and that we can understand and relate to in order to move forward with our businesses. Do you wish to feel more powerful, more in control of your business and your life? Well then just let go of it and do it! Join Mastermind. I promise you will get more than you ever expected.” Lori Ann Roth Ph.D., CPLP President, Learning and…Reflective Growth

Don't miss out on being part of the Master Your Biz Mindset Workshop

Here's What You'll Get

  • 4 one hour on demand group coaching calls you can listen anytime. Plus, get the downloads for each call. Calls include visualization, meditation, mindfulness, eft, journal prompts, and more exercises to help you master your biz mindset. This is a mindset workshop geared towards creating powerful thoughts and actions to move your small business forward.
  • One 30 minute one on one coaching session with Sheri
  • 4 Worksheets. 
  • Unlimited email support for 30 days.

This is a $597 value. Get it today for $197. 

Register for this online ecourse for Just $197 

I'm In, Let's Do This >>>

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