Book it Today- Free Coaching Session 

The Path for Transforming Your Biz and Life

A clear path to discovering how to grow your biz the way you want.

with Sheri Kaye Hoff

Transformational Business Coach using intuition, vision, omnipresent marketing, and mindset mastery, Sheri Kaye Hoff, is known for inspiring transformation in life and biz. She is a catalyst for personal and business growth and joy in a way that is fun, relaxing, and fulfilling, Sheri inspires people to do the work they love with more ease, flow, and joy. Sheri helps business owners and professionals to relax into success while growing and scaling. She uses practical, energetic, and spiritual techniques to create shifts and create transformational change. A business, leadership, happiness, and inner game expert, she has overcome nearly dying, and the loss of her brother at an early age. She has made it her life mission to share the keys to happiness and success.

During the coaching session, you will:  

  • Discover how to start implementing biz growth
  • Learn how to grow with more ease, flow, and joy. 
  • Learn key ideas for breaking through and how to uplevel.
  • Understand a bigger vision for your life and biz. 
  • You will leave the consultation with actionable steps and more. 

This free session is FOR you if: 

  • You have an established business for at least one year or more. Or you have a start-up but have past business experience.
  • You are passionate about your business. You are an action taker and a decision-maker. Building a business means action.  
  • You are a heart-centered business owner, coach, consultant, professional, director, or C level.
  • You want to start growing and expanding your business and life immediately. You want your business or professional life to provide the lifestyle you are looking for.

This coaching session IS NOT for you if: 

  • You are only in the thinking stages of creating a business. 
  • You are just checking things out and experimenting, but are not ready for rapid growth in your biz. 
  • You are not ready to start taking action immediately to grow your business. 

This session is completely free. 

There are no strings attached to this free consultation. It is completely free with no pressure. At the end of your appointment, I will let you know how to get involved with my coaching programs. If it is not a fit for you, that is completely okay, too. Again, there is no obligation to sign up for anything. However, you will leave the session with some solid strategies and action steps that you can take to get more clients right now.  

Reasons that may stop you from moving forward and booking your free coaching session:

After years of coaching and talking with people, these are some of the reasons why people don’t move forward and apply for a consultation that they know they really want and know that it would be helpful. All of these reasons are based on limiting beliefs.  

One of the biggest limiting beliefs is- I am too busy or I don’t have time. Truth. We make time for high-priority things in our lives.

These additional beliefs, thoughts, and actions may get in the way: 

  • Fear that it won’t really change the biz (the “I think I have tried everything” syndrome) Truth: You have not tried everything 
  • I am too busy. Truth: Everyone is too busy. I don’t know a single person who is not busy. We make time for things that are important to us.
  •  Fear of failure. Truth: Even if you have failed at some things in the past, it doesn’t mean you are a failure or that you will fail in future endeavors. Everyone has failed at some point. It is time to write a new story about your capacity to succeed. 
  • Fear that you can’t change or do what it takes to change. Truth: This is the number one reason people don’t sign up for things they really want. They think that change is possible for other people, but not them. Truth: You can change and grow. You have changed, grown, and learned. You can do what you make up your mind to do. 
  • Fear of finding out the biz model or idea isn’t viable. Truth: most biz models can be tweaked.
  • Fear of rejection. A very common fear. Truth: This fear can be overcome with some simple exercises. I overcame this fear and I have helped many people overcome this fear. 
  • Not asking for what you really want. This is a challenge for many people. Truth: It is time to commit to what you really want in your life and biz. 
  • Fear that you cannot afford the solution that may be offered after the free session. Truth: Just about everyone feels this way every time they sign up for a free session with any coach.No one likes to be sold (including me). Not a big deal. There is no pressure to sign up for anything. There are several options for coaching with me.

Why not book your session right now?  

Get started by filling out this brief form so you can get the most out of your session. Sessions are limited so book yours today.

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When you choose this Free Offer from Business Coach Sheri Kaye Hoff You'll... get ready to transform the way you see and be in your life and biz.

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